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Should I change my approach?

mASF post by ACoolGuy

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Should I change my approach?
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mASF post by "ACoolGuy"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, June 6, 2005

My current game consists of
1. Opinion opener -> fluff talk - >eject OR
2. Making fun of the girl with cocky and funny and giving her dance lessons at
the same time.

When I do opinion openers I typically go up to a group (both street and club),
deliver the opener, get some reactions, maybe make some fluff talk and eject. I
never bother to memorize any real follow up material; to me this type of game
is boring and meaningless. It is good for impressing AFC friends though since
they are shocked just by seeing someone go up to group of HBs and talk to them.
But I am not a good story teller and dislike canned material.

When doing cocky and funny I basically compliment her dancing, take it back,
giving her dance lessons etc. I have very mixed result with this. I have
attracted some girls but pissed of a lot more. I have a lot of fun when doing
this but most girls do not appreciate it they way they should. Plus, it is
limited to clubs and I want to do something I can use outside of clubs as well.

That is why I consider doing a more direct type of approach in a street
environment. I was thinking of doing something like
1. Give her a genuine compliment like ”You are so cute, I just had to come and
talk to you.”
2. Follow up with some qualifying questions and trying to get to know here.
3. If the conversation goes OK ask for her number and eject.

Some things make me hesitate, though:
1. Giving a girl a compliment for her looks. I have never done that to a girl I
do not know so I think it will feel unnatural.
2. Rejection. If I do an opinion opener or C&F type of approach and I get a
rejection then she is rejecting the approach, not me. But if I give her a real
compliment and do not play games, then a rejection means she is rejecting me.
Now, I can take some rejections of this type as well since some girls will have
boyfriends, some will simply not like my looks etc. But what if I did 20
genuine approaches and got rejected 20 times? What would that say about me? I
am not sure if I want to find out.
3. I am only average looking. Maybe this type of game is more suited for good
looking guys?

Need feedback. What do you think I should do?

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