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Re: REVIEW: RSD Bootcamp (Sydney - Chariot - 7/1/05)

mASF post by intlzncster

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Re: REVIEW: RSD Bootcamp (Sydney - Chariot - 7/1/05)
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mASF post by "intlzncster"
posted on: mASF forum: Reviews Discussion, March 3, 2005

Hey man, glad you enjoyed our place. Good to see you learned alot too, and
the right things as well. After meeting you, the three most important
learnings for you (from your post) IMO are:

1. Projection: I need to work on projecting more loudly. When you open a
set, or are just talking to people, being louder (naturally, without
straining) makes you more dominant.
2. Negativity: Another HUGE issue was my negative, analytical approach to
the game. I'm a naturally analytical guy, so after every set I was thinking
about what I could've done better, where I stuffed up. But that was KILLING
my game.
<note: this applies to your whole life, not just PU. Your students would
get more out of your teaching if you connect with them on an emotional
level, not an analytical one.>
3. Fun: you didn't state this explicitly, but you did imply. This is the
MOST important thing in the game IMO. If you make it fun for yourself, you
have no choice but to succeed.

Again good to meet you. I hope things are going well for you.



<Little God> wrote in message
> Chariot, Me and the Sydney Morning Herald Journalist - RSD Bootcamp
> review.
> (Posting guidelines fulfilment: first registered on mASF October 2004.
> Posted
> about 4 times. Am receiving no credit for posting this. Not connections
> with
> anyone at RSD beyond personal friendship. This is an informational post.)
> NB: These are my newbie impressions from my newbie bootcamp, so I WILL be
> off-track sometimes. I'd LOVE any feedback to tweak my game with. Also,
> the
> workshop/bootcamp is tailored to the individual, so what was taught on
> this
> camp was what was needed to get me IN the game, different to what a more
> advanced PUA would be taught.
> I'd heard TD's interview on the DYD series, and was impressed. He seemed
> so
> much more.. knowledgeable than DD. So when I read a post of his on mASF
> and
> connected 2 and 2, I was impressed enough to read his entire archive.
> Which I
> thought was either the most interesting collection of non-fiction writing
> I'd
> ever come across, or the most impressive collection of fiction writing I'd
> ever
> come across.
> I wanted to know which, so when I saw the new list of Australian bootcamps
> and
> workshops at RSD, I impulsively signed up for a bootcamp. This post is a
> review
> of that bootcamp.
> ME
> I'm 23 years old, Asian, 5'6, 65 KG. When my parents got divorced when I
> was
> young, my mum took it really badly. As a result, I grew up with this
> internal
> drive that I was going to find the perfect girl, who I would never have to
> break up with, and never go through a terrible divorce with. If I want a
> great
> girl, I'd need to be a great guy, so I was the ultimate SNAG, reading all
> the
> relationship books, dissing all those JERKS on TV, having deep,
> understanding
> conversations with all these girls.
> I've had a few girlfriends, but have only had sex once. She was a very
> nice,
> intelligent, friendly, cute, plump girl. Who I simply wasn't attracted to.
> Funny, that.
> -PROJECTION. One of my biggest problems (which I was totally unaware of)
> was my
> soft voice. People had mentioned it before, but I'd never dwelled on it. I
> need
> to work on projecting more loudly. When you open a set, or are just
> talking to
> people, being louder (naturally, without straining) makes you more
> dominant. It
> enables you to cut over other people, plus it's preventative, as people
> won't
> try to interrupt as much.
> Another HUGE issue was my negative, analytical approach to the game. I'm a
> naturally analytical guy, so after every set I was thinking about what I
> could've done better, where I stuffed up. But that was KILLING my game.
> Like
> I'd feel like crap, and of course wouldn't want to approach next time.
> Negative
> thinking was also initially an issue when Chariot told me to approach a
> set. He
> could tell just from my body language what I was thinking before approach.
> So
> Tony Robbins style, I concentrated on my actions, eliminating the
> negative,
> defensive, actions, and focusing on the positive, proactive actions.
> And after the sets, I need to be focusing on the cool, positive things I
> got
> out of it, or what lessons I learned. Like, after a set, Sam (the
> reporter)
> would be like "Wow, that was amazing how you did x, y" and I'd be like
> "yeah..
> but I so totally blew that z". It's so subtle, but it's amazing how much
> better
> I felt when I just accepted that, and felt that "yeah! That WAS amazing
> how I
> did X, Y!" Like how many people could've done X, Y? F'sure!
> Lesson learned: have FUN on your night out, and recalibrate AFTERWARDS.
> -COOL.
> Another huge thing was my misconception of what was 'cool'. Like, I come
> from a
> Martial Arts background, so I thought I had 'cool' down with spades. Poker
> face, 100% eye contact, still, laid back body-language. Thing is, in a
> environment, 'cool' is something else. It's someone who is playful, fun,
> and
> confident. Someone who can play with other peoples' frames without letting
> other people affect theirs. It was like I was indifferent to my own
> conversation, which of course, spreads to the girl, even if she is
> attracted to
> me, and it doesn't go anywhere fast. Basically, if you're Morpheus or Jet
> Li
> cool in a club, there's nothing unique or attractive about that. You're
> like
> every other guy there. Your body language can still be laid-back cool, but
> your
> conversation has to be something else.
> In the opening/attraction stage of the game, it's important to own the
> frame,
> to plow it open. To do it right, it helps to have a few things down:
> attraction
> material, non-needy BL, booming projection. Another cool thing Chariot did
> were
> those cool mini-take-away type things. Like he'd see that they were about
> to
> go, and say something like "We need to go now, but if we didn't have to, I
> would adopt you and make you my little sisters".. he'd turn to go, and
> turn
> back and say "So anyway, I saw this little kid the other day, he was this
> tall.."
> Now you may notice that logically, this interaction has a hiccup in it.
> But
> because he's done the backturn, and the adoption bit has pumped the girls'
> BT
> up, and because he goes straight into an interesting DHV, and because he
> has
> Dominant Projection, the girls are in emotional state and don't even
> register
> it.
> -AMOGing
> The AMOGing stuff is SO awesome to watch. You can tell by watching an
> interaction how deep in or how alpha a guy is, and just by coming in and
> blowing him out by IGNORING him, your value jumps up so high. Chariot did
> a
> post about this recently called AMOG contrasting or something.
> You also slowly turn your back to him so he's out of the circle, you
> create a
> bubble around you and the girls, and he's not in that bubble. This also
> has a
> LOT to do with projection.
> An AMOG battle should only last two to three lines. It's subtle, and you
> don't
> accept him into your frame. You don't feed his either.
> I learned the Leprecaun dance, the DRAGAWAY! SONG, and the power of inside
> jokes. Above all, the VALUE of having fun, being the coolest, funnest guys
> in
> the room. Sets will open YOU if you have this down.
> Chariot had this $$$ qualification bit at the M2F mystery stage. It was a
> lot
> to do with body-language (very convincing and natural) but he'd be like
> "OMG, I
> can't believe this. Like. Can you believe we met at X-club? I feel so."
> Project Sydney is this awesome apartment across the street from Manly
> beach. On
> the balcony you can watch sets walk past, and if so inclined, you could
> run out
> and open them. I met the three guys who rent there, who are just really
> cool
> guys. Chariot and I crashed there.
> Watching Chariot in action was pretty cool. He would get AI's and IOI's
> wherever he went, because he had all the sub-communications down, was
> dressed
> cool, and was just chilling with friends. He could bust open a set in
> seconds,
> because he had all the little nuances down, but externally it came from a
> frame
> where he was just chilling out and having fun.
> On the first night he stopped a two set just to ask for directions. Before
> he
> started talking they were smiling, he did Best Friends, Girl Code,
> Adoption,
> and when they left they were walking sideways to hide the stains between
> their
> legs. :)
> -SAM
> Papa had e-mailed asking me if it was okay if Sam, a reporter, tagged
> along
> with us. He was going to write a review for RSD in the Sydney Morning
> Herald. I
> said it was cool, but was unaware that he was in for a workshop. This for
> me
> kinda detracted from the value of a bootcamp. After all, I had forked out
> a lot
> of money to get 1 on 1 time with an instructor, and here I was sharing
> instruction time with someone who hadn't heard of mASF or read any
> material or
> theory before.
> But actually, hanging out with Sam was very cool. He's this cool, 35 year
> old
> reporter who has good internal game, and some great personal DHV's. He was
> really fascinated about the game, and it blew his mind. It was also good
> getting compliments from him. I guess to my mind, the guy I was paying to
> instruct me could've been biased, but this RAFC guy was genuinely
> impressed.
> It was also interesting watching his sets, and seeing where he did well,
> and
> also seeing what he did to muck sets up. He's the kinda guy, who when he
> learns
> how to consistently get past the hook points, is gonna kick some SERIOUS
> ass.
> And get some too.
> It was so funny having Chariot as the lifeguard. Sam was in set with this
> HB9
> and all these drunk guys would see him in set and try to sabotage. Chariot
> would open them and distract them, then send them on their way. It was
> like
> pacman, or Space Invaders. He'd grab their arm and say "Hey guys (always
> dominant projection), I've got this song in my head. Who sings it? It goes
> You
> spin me right round baby right round..." He did this about eight times!
> He'd watch our sets, and know where we were at in the sarge. He'd pretend
> to be
> on his mobile, and yell out "CUBE!" or "ADOPTION" at us. The girls
> wouldn't
> even register it. It just wasn't in their reality.
> Actually, There was a drunk girl who did a false take-away on Sam, and
> Chariot
> saw it and called out "FALSE TAKEAWAY" to Sam. The girl heard it, asked,
> and
> Chariot explained it to her. She was like all negative face, then she
> nodded
> and said.. "he's good.."
> Back at ProSyd at the end of the first night, Chariot went downstairs to
> grab
> some Pizza, I don't think he made it though as he a couple of Finnish
> girls
> come up to him and say something in Finnish. He's like "oh no.. you didn't
> just
> open me.." After one attraction line, he pulls them upstairs. He isolates
> his
> chick and leaves one with me to practice with.
> I won't go into the details. Suffice to say I will be focusing on
> escalation,
> gunwitch and end-game in the months to come. The number-close was okay,
> but the
> Precious demands Action.
> It was also interesting seeing the 'darker' side of pick-up. Like, what to
> do
> about a chick who's into you, but you're not into, afterwards. Honestly, I
> need
> a re-frame. It's just fun. You had fun, they had fun. You can't think too
> much
> about it, and I think you need to project this frame to the chick in order
> to
> manage her relationship expectations.
> -NOW
> I've got the basics. Really I think it's a matter of just chilling out,
> and
> having a good time, chatting to girls and calibrating at the end of the
> night.
> Repeat.
> For those of you considering a seminar, workshop or bootcamp, there's
> tremendous value in all three. Because this game is something you've
> probably
> never seen before, it's almost impossible to envision it accurately. Like,
> I
> spent three months reading posts, stories and material, but I was still
> WAY off
> in how I pictured the game to be.
> If you're not in the field, it's like learning about American NFL by
> reading
> books, as opposed to watching or playing a real game.
> If you're out in the field, you're already getting good feedback from your
> own
> social interactions, but going to RSD is like getting coaching from
> someone who
> has ALREADY gone through that long trial and error process and
> calibration.
> It's the difference between say, learning golf by playing by yourself for
> two
> years, or getting coaching from a professional.
> In the end, you'll need both to get really good.
> As to the difference between a workshop and a bootcamp, it was really cool
> to
> see how a PUA operate in everyday life. Their social ease translates to
> every
> interaction they have. You get to see how their positive approach to their
> life
> reflects their fun, positive approach to PU, and the results it gets them.
> That, to me, was what made the extra $ worth it.
> BTW, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "intlzncster" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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