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What do you expect from a wingman?

mASF post by Riker_AUT

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What do you expect from a wingman?
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mASF post by "Riker_AUT"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005

I had a bit of a heated discussion today with my good comrade Wattsecond about
wingman-tactics, and I was quite suprised to hear about the "new" ideas he had.

For me and the others I went with, during the last year of ASF, winging was
primary about easier handling of two-sets, each PUA would then engange one girl
in conversation, and attemp to isolate. The idea was that two cool guys meet
two cool girls, and enjoy the evening without cockblocking.

Occasionally it would have been expected from a wingman to sacrify himself and
engage a "warpig" but it's fair to say that most of the time we tried to find a
quality set where we would actually both attemp to close.

The guy who opens first selects his target, but if he fails to open correctly
the second guy often could save the set by stacking something else and with a
clever target switch.

Okay, that was basically what I knew about winging.

Now recently in the Vienna Lair, there seems to have been built a concept of
the wingman purposely betaing himself, to shut up or only talk AFC-talk, with
the primary purpose of occupying the "obstacle" but also, and that is
completely alien to me, to act as some kind of "social proof" for the main
guy??? Basically the wing is Beta so the Leader can look more Alpha?

While I do see the advantages it offers for the guy who picks and opens the set
I personally can't see that happening for me.

We spend so much time training personality and being social here - I for one
can't turn it off anymore. If you drop me into a conversation with some cute
girls I WILL be C&F or otherwise interesting to them.

OTOH, I also don't really see the point of dragging a wing into a set who is
not allowed to run full game on the group or his girl. Wouldn't that reflect
bad on me to have a boring, AFC-like friend with me? Personally I wouldn't want

The only thing I don't want my wing to do is to engage my target after the
conversation has been separated into 1on1 talk. But that should be obvious.

It's definitly an interesting clash of styles we two had tonight, but it's
nothing personal - I'll still happily hang out with the Vienna crowd.

I'm just wondering how others handle these things.

I'm back, and better than ever.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "Riker_AUT" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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