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Outing Report:

mASF post by xmlenigma

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Outing Report:
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mASF post by "xmlenigma"
posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, June 6, 2005

Well.. I did not try to PLAY it this way. It just happened because I generally
love hanging kids.

Now the question is CANY SOMEONE HELP ME on the NEXT STEPS?

What can I do next based on what I have outlined ?

A friend of mine tells me I need to DHV & Do stuff to attract her. With her
iniviting me and # closing me as well means she is already attracted ?

Do I need to CAN stuff in or just be my positive self ? This was me being ME..
Very natural very laid back. No ASF techniques or even ideas applied.

New Lairs started for Houston and Dallas
Keyboard Jockeys wake up.
No manual, No books, No seminars, No tapes.
Field is god...and Field is the way.
MASF is the learning shrine..
Take her home .. or do a takeaway.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "xmlenigma" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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