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The Unspoken Careless vibe and Club game

mASF post by Nightblue

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The Unspoken Careless vibe and Club game
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mASF post by "Nightblue"
posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, July 7, 2004

First here are some things I noticed that I improved now Im surrounded by
naturals with top game.
Some alpha dynamics.

A big part of being alpha is courting attention.
You cant be alpha and stay in the background.
When there are only women around I can shut up for a long time while they try
to charge the convo.
But in a cold approach and especially with other guys around, this can't be the
case if I want the girls.

You dont need to have the skill of solid attention courting for most women. Its
not a must have.
But if you want a true hottie it gets more of a must.
Their filters are much higher so you cant just be average.
And even with a six or sevens, when there are other guys in the picture you
must convey you are the deal.

When youre new in the social interaction, like the case with cold approaches,
you need to get interest at the beginning.
Good bodylanguage and/or good tonality at first can even be enough. First, is
getting how important that is.
People I see mostly focus on doing cool/attractive stuff like routines and
While all you need to do is avoid unattractive things.
When youre not doing any unattractive things, your attractive.
Women see it that way. When they perceive you as average or not attractive
enough, you did something unattractive next to the attractive stuff like C&F or
other things.

The unattractive things are mostly in bodylanguage and tonality. That gives the
The unspoken vibe does everything in the sarge.
When you have a careless vibe, even if you talk bs you'll be attractive in her
The vibe is careless, relaxed. The opposite of being under pressure and
Some dudes Ive seen from the european lairs do those things while they have
really good game.
Giving a little cue that youre under pressure or something similar, can be an
enough turn-off for her to lose interest.
Key point here is, just regaming and relaxing instead of being under more
pressure b/c the sarge isnt going well.
Now about verbal game.
When I first open with a good opener and run some valuable routines, my verbal
game is solid and they get that.
Then when I shut up for a while girls want me to continue and do stuff to get
me active.
Since they know that my verbal skills are attractive.
If you havent conveyed that your verbal game is good, they dont have much
interest in making you active.
Everything they do to get you to participate is chasing.
I used to think that Id have to be really cool or very good at game to be
Found out that its just as learning any other skill.

About action reaction dynamics. The girls reactions is based on your actions.
She reacts to what you do.
Its always like this.
If you show too much interest and start working to get her, she'll react in
that frame.
You can never satisfy her anyway by consciously working to get her.
Its starting a battle you'll never win.

While when you tease her validation frame, all she'll do is make herself look
perfect to you.
Every thing I do has to do with it. Either disqualifying her or myself.

In club dynamics, its your energy that gets her attention.
There's no way that its my verbal game gets them.
They dont understand a lot of what I say anyway.
I do things that she perceives as attractive, like leading her while not
showing attention/interest,
pushing her away like she's a toy Im bored of and other things like that.
Like a routine thing I do is display those things and lead her to the
dancefloor, then make her notice that Im embarrased for dancing with her b/c
she sucks at it.
I mimick her behavior with exagerating dumb stuff and turn away or push her
Then she desperately tries to do things that I'll like.
Then I'll grab her ass and kiss her and start doing the same things again so
she continues to make herself look good to me.

Clubs are filled with dumb chicks who want to reassure that theyre hot.

All the stupid games and roles they play are really just annoying. All you have
to do is show and act that you think this way about them.
I mean, what makes one girl there so special. In the same room there are
numorous other girls who act the same idiotic way for the same reason.

Most of them dont plan to get laid by acting like that.
They want to "have fun", which basically means feel validated by all those
morons who are all over them.
When they get home they laugh while talking about it.

Here's where you shime in. When you convey that you find it dumb that theyre
playing little games and roles you stand out.
Then you get some comfort with the same careless vibe.
I dont even show that I want to kiss her or touch her much so she doesnt expect
me to lay her when I venuechange.
When I make out with them its mostly so they'll be more comfortable for the
And I keep it short so it wont be a "I want to fuck you" SOI.
When were at the lay venue, I create a dumb reason why fucking isnt a big
probability, while that I lay her.
She doesnt know what hit her :-)
Good sex makes a meet after that or some kind of relationship in way better
When you start doing these same things again and again, it just becomes normal.
Its your regular reality and everytime you do it you improve.

Thoughts comments?


If life's a bitch, be its PIMP

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2004 by "Nightblue" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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