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A New Kind of One-itis?

mASF post by Matt

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A New Kind of One-itis?
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mASF post by "Matt"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, April 4, 2002

I think an over analysis as your skill set improves can be a common occurrence
amongst us, especially if we get too worried about perfecting so-and-so
technique, or mastering the art art of whatever. Trying to compare yourself to
the masters of seduction can also have negative effects. I am not saying you
are doing this, but in my case, worrying about these things caused a major
problem in my game. I first came across this material about a year ago, and
subsequently hit all the bars with very little knowledge, just the attitude
that I was going to be the alpha male and try and fuck everything that looked
good. And it worked. As the months progressed I was learning and utilising some
of the techniques, but then became so caught up in what to do in a given
situation, that I would be stalling. I would be thinking 'what comes next'? or
'what would Mystery do'? Instead of just relaxing and having fun. It got so bad
that I couldnt even approach, because I was spent so much time thinking of the
exact thing to say that opportunities went. After amazing initial success over
the first 6-8 months, I suddenly found I could not get fucking laid. This
pissed me off enormously 'whats going on? I know all this stuff about women,
much more than all these other dickheads but I am still not getting any'. This
caused a negative loop which made me want to try harder, but ending up in me
freezing even more. This is a problem that I am still working through now, and
am still amazed at how the paralysis of analysis effects me. My solution to
this has been to keep reading the materials over, and reading the posts on this
board and then FORGET THEM. When you have read these things enough times they
become part of your subconscious and without even trying you will find yourself
coming out with it. I dont have a specific plan when talking to girls, I am
just chatting to them and letting neg's, SOI's etc just fall out of me. The
only thing I think about is where the convo is at the moment, and where I want
it to be-emotional, sex etc. It is like the level of martial arts of the
masters, unconscious awareness, they know the techniques so well that they are
not thinking 'which punch shall I throw'? they are just aware of the
opponentand let their subconscious take over. Sorry if this not exactly what
you were talking about, but thought it might be related.


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