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Re: Ross Jeffries: Fraud, Liar, And Harasser Of Elderly Women

mASF post by daniel

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Re: Ross Jeffries: Fraud, Liar, And Harasser Of Elderly Women
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mASF post by "daniel"
posted on: USENet: newsgroup, February 2, 1999

2 supposed "masters" of seduction acting like 5 year old kids.
Oh Yeah ... i feel the respect growing exponentially now for them and their

Outfoxing The Foxes wrote:

> Some Guy Writes:
> > First he tried mocking me..but that didn't work.
> You are a walking, talking, breathing example of self-mockery in action.
> <----Typical abusive personal attack from a man whose material no longer
> has merit.
> > Finally, he pulled out the last stop and had his good buddy Odious
> harass
> > a soon-to-be-60 year-old woman on his behalf, a woman with more class
> in
> > her pinky than this entire newsgroup has in its entire body. I will
> > quote his attack on a woman he has never met:
> Hey you fucking slanderous moron. I have NO connection with Odious. I
> have never spoken with him, emailed him or had any contact with him in
> way. Your efforts to gain sympathy for yourself by repeating someone
> else's slander about your own mother shows the depths to which you will
> sink.
> <------Sue me or shut up, liar.
> You are a dishonest,lying, mentally ill fuckwad, REPEATING an attack on
> your own mother just to gain publicity for yourself.
> <----------Hardly. You are the fuckwad for having a shill attack an
> elderly woman. in fact, your tone here is quite illustrative of your
> abusive tendencies. It was the work that mattered until something better
> and more inexpensive than your work hit the market, and then you resort
> to personal attacks, illegal conduct, and harassment.
> Go sit in a corner with your rubber dolly, Gordon. No..better yet..go
> play on the freeway.
> <--------You aren't fooling anyone Ross. You aren't fooling ANYONE. You
> have nothing to offer anyone anymore. You killed the golden goose by
> taunting women publicly about how a method that requires secrecy is
> picking their pockets. You truly are a sad, desperate man to resort to
> your recent tactics.....a sad, sad, desperate man.
> Then again, you didn't fool the public on PI either.
> Outfoxing The Foxes: How To Seduce The Women Of Your Dreams
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