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Sticking Point: What I believe about myself

mASF post by smooth666

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Sticking Point: What I believe about myself
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mASF post by "smooth666"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, August 8, 2005

>I think the thing that holds me back the most is that I >deep down know that I
am ugly and that women do not like >me.

This really sounds like a self-esteem issue.
Did you get a lot of positive feedback from parents/friends/random people when
you were young??? I guess not!

To reprogram yourself will take a LONG time but I guess the most important
things to do are:

a) Monitor your inner voice as much as you can. Whenever you find yourself
thinking negatively about yourself, stop your thoughts. Stop them by asking
yourself "Is this really true?". Track down the root of those negative
thoughts. When did they start? Have there been embarrassing moments in your
past that make you think like this?
Be aware that you have an inner voice fighting your ego like a "little devil"
(from cartoon movies). Shut him up! Take the part of the "little angel" (from
cartoons) and actively tell him to shut up and tell him it is not true.

b) Write down your self-doubts in a diary. Analyze them on paper. Try to find a
pattern to see when negative thoughts come to your mind (are you tired,
stressed, bored, hang-over form last night etc.). Writing this down helps you
see a progress (negative rap getting less or more).

Important: You have to do this EVERY day for maybe years.

Work on your inner game» and forget the looks. Women can feel insecurity and it
turns them off.

>But the girl nearest to me turns her back completely to me >and talks to her
friends. It was like I was so beneath them >that I was not even worthy of

a)Stop analyzing people. It is a waste of time. You do not
know why they behave the way they behave. Period!
b) What did you expect the GROUP of girls to do?

Like: Introduce themselves to you. Sit on your lap. Cuddle with you and ask you
if you mind if all of them would suck on your sick simultaneously????

I am not joking! In what fantasy world do you live in? Women are SHY and when
they are in a group is it not only natural to focus on group members.
I am sure you could have opened them anyway (DAFS: "Shit test").

Last but not least:

Forget the LOOKS! Yes having looks like Brad Pitt makes the game easy, BUT they
are not the key to getting laid.

This was my No.1 limiting belief until I realized it does not matter what you
look like.

There are things that are much more attractive than looks:
E.g. smile

Check this link from a another thread:

Look at the first picture and see the smile of "26". He is reasonably good
looking, but his smile is an absolute CHICK KILLER. I do not know "26", but ask
random female friends of yours if they think he is "attractive"....

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "smooth666" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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