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Do I believe in Apollo at clubs?

mASF post by PlayerSupreme

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Do I believe in Apollo at clubs?
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mASF post by "PlayerSupreme"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, June 6, 2005

On 6/28/05 1:47:00 AM, Joe R Walker wrote:
>Hey PS
>I live in the sticks so there
>just isn’t that many places to
>chose from. Most have a
>variety of ages of women at
>them and I wont say it isn’t
>intimidating but I can deal
>with the competition
>especially since mASF.
>I try not to let age be a big
>factor. I don’t know how old
>my FB is other than she is
>older than I am. Sadly, I do
>see the age showing in their
>faces when they hit the 40's
>but some of those 40+ bodies
>are better than the 20's that
>I have had. They are taking
>care of themselves instead of
>just being lucky.
>It just seems like there is
>some social dynamic going on
>at those bars I just don’t
>quite get. I have not hung out
>there all that much over a
>lifetime so it may be
>something that I should fully
>understand but didn’t get.
>Maybe its just justification
>for fear, keeping me from
>creating the reality I want. I
>will keep digging and get
>there. I just hoped somebody
>would be able to save me some
>time and effort.
>Thanks for the reply

Joe, I think that social dynamics your sensing is a few things:

1. The change in music from when we were kids.

2. The flagrant use of designer drugs such as E.

3. It's the new sexual dance of the young that has been influenced by the
times. I don't know what kind of music you have if it's country or main stream
but hip hop has changed picking up chicks drastically.

Now you gotta roll up on em much harder cause that is the way brothers do it
and they portray that in the music and the videos.

As one author said:

Let us explain: Since the early 90's, popular culture has taken a dramatic
turn, starting with black culture rising up to take the music industry by storm
with rap and hip hop. Performers such as Ice-T, Ice-Cube, and Eazy-E set the
stage early on with lyrics rhyming of ghetto life and womanizing. Rap / Hip Hop
has been an evolution. Shortly after Ice-T, Ice-Cube, and Eazy-E were on the
scene, stars such as Dr. Dre, Snoop, and Tupac emerged. It was about this time
that ghetto life and womanizing went truly commercial and rich white kids in
Suburbia, USA, watching MTV and buying up CD's, started picturing themselves as
living the life of the lives their favorite performers were singing about.
Influential songs included Tupac's "I getta around," Snoop Dog's "Gin and
Juice," among many others.
As a result of this widespread influence, much of rap and hip hop brought with
it a change of values that has been slowly accepted over the years and is now
shared by the majority. Those of us who were in are mid teens in the early
90's, now in our mid to upper twenties come 2000, can appreciate this fact.
We've seen it and experienced it. We've experienced it in the change of
fashions, in the change of social cliques, and in the change of the singles
--how to pick up girls 2000.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "PlayerSupreme" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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