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developing rapport

mASF post by stereomike

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developing rapport
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mASF post by "stereomike"
posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, March 3, 2005

Here are your problems:

#1. Frame control
#2. Congruence

You have some C&F but the girls can tell you're a try hard, how? Because you
have no frame control (your frames are all over the place) which leads to a
lack of congruence.

You read FS101 Players Guide and don't know what Frame Control and Congruence
are? I know, I had your same problems, along with Vibing these very important
facts aren't highlighted enough in the players guide, do some searches and
learn these things.


Direct feedback:

The first girl immediately busts you on your lack of congruence. ie: blonde
comment, she is negative, why are you even talking to her? BUSTED!

How to fix this: qualify her. Show her you are talking to her because she is
unique and she will end up dying her hair anyways.


I realize you are using DYD material, which has its place, but I DO NOT
recommend solely using it in online sarges, its transparent and the vibe isn't
there to back it up. Use it lightly, get her on IM and then slowly turn up the
heat. I would be very surprising if that you would be able to hold your C&F
"frame" (in quotes because it is shaky) on the phone, she would shatter it in a
second. If you want to continue solely C&F game, use IM until its natural.
Otherwise I recommend lightening up on C&F, vibe more, stay confident, you are
the prize frame.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "stereomike" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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