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Field Report: A night of ASD

mASF post by Jestor111

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Field Report: A night of ASD
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mASF post by "Jestor111"
posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, January 1, 2004

>All right, this chick is about
>a 7 (nice face, so-so body).
>The day I met HB7, I wasn’t
>really in a social mood. I
>noticed her checking me
>out, but I really didn’t care
>because she wasn’t really my
>type. I kind
>of ignored her, but I had on
>shades, so I kept glancing at
>her just out
>of curiosity to see if she was
>still checking me out. She
>was with her
>fat friend and that was
>another reason I didn’t want
>to approach her….

sometimes it's good to wait for an optimal time to approach a girl, as long as
it's done objectively and not as a hesitation type of thing.

>social proof, y’know. I went
>to go get a bottle of water,
>which was
>about 100 feet away from her,
>and when I came back, I
>noticed she was
>STILL checking me out… I’m
>like damn this chick wants me
>badly. So, I
>said fuck it and right after I
>passed them, I smiled at her
>and waved.
>She smiled and I told her to
>come to me using the finger
>gesture and
>mouthing the words. I

good, direct and gets her away from the friend.

>couldn’t really see, but I
>think she shook her head
>no at first with a big smile,
>and so I did it again and she
>came over.

she's just being coy and shy, she will come to you no worries.

>Me: Do I know you from
>HB7: No.
>Me: Well, you were really
>checking me out weren’t you!
>HB7: No, I wasn’t!
>Me: Yes, you were. Your eyes
>were following me all the way
>to the
>water machine and back.
>HB7: *Laughs*
>I KNOW I messed up after this!

It can be fun to tease a girl about that as long as she is made to feel good
about it.

>We shake hands and exchange
>Me: Well, I’m kind of in a
>rush to get somewhere.
>*Awkward pause*
>(For some strange reason, I
>just stalled and couldn’t
>think of what I
>wanted to say)
>HB7: (uncertain smile) Okay….
>Me: But, I would like to call
>you sometime. (Yeah, I know….
>lame! I
>thought that I had messed up
>HB7: Well, why don’t you give
>me your number?
>Me: (Pause) Why don’t we
>trade numbers?
>HB7: Okay.
>As she writes my number down,
>I say:
>Me: Don’t call me after 12:00
>am, that’s past my bedtime.
>HB7: Laughs
>Me: I’m serious. I’m in bed
>by 10:00 (I’m still joking by
>the way).
>HB7: (laughs)
>Me: Now, when I call, don’t
>be all like “eh, bish0p who?”
>HB7: (smile) okay.

a nice little challenge for her not to flake and to take you seriously.

>So, after I leave school, I’m
>at a traffic light and guess
>who pulls up
>right next to me? Yup, HB7.
>Even though I felt like I
>fucked it up, I
>wanted to be a good sport
>about it, so I do the ‘roll
>down your window’
>Me: Where you going?
>HB7: Home and then to work
>Me: Oh, you work out? Where?
>HB7: The YMCA.
>Me: Cool. How much do they
>HB7: Blah blah student
>Me: Cool, they give student
>discounts? I’ve been looking
>for a place
>to workout. I’ll have to
>check that out.
>HB7: (smiles) Okay.
>Awkward pause again. I look
>away and she looks away. Then
>she rolls

a pause is okay, as long as it you act composed and calm.

>up here window. Lol! This is
>so funny writing this shit
>out! I looked
>at it as a loss (not that I
>lost her, but I messed up the
>PU and so I
>throw her number away).

over-reacting?? you can call her and use the drive-by incident to get humor and
more rapport going. Anything to get the ball rolling.

>Anyways, when I get home in
>the evening, I get a message
>from HB7. I’m
>thinking to myself, what the
>hell? Maybe I didn’t fuck up
>after all or
>maybe she’s just desperate,

she's interested, not desparate.

>Next day at school, I see her
>again, but I really don’t want
>to talk to
>her. But I still want to be a
>good sport about everything
>and wave and
>yell out, “nice hat” to her.
>She says thanx and I continue
>on my merry

you're being a bit aloof now. That *can* help *only* if she knows you are
already interested but is perhaps not sure how much.

>She calls me back a little bit
>before 11. I can’t remember
>how the
>conversation went, but at one
>point, I did establish the
>fact that I don’t
>like talking on the phone and
>I suggested that we meet up
>The conversation went on a
>little longer (10 minutes)
>than I wanted it
>to, because I ended up asking
>a lot of questions about where
>she was
>originally from and where she
>wanted to go. I also couldn’t
>decide on
>where I wanted to meet her
>because she doesn’t know my
>area very well, so
>it was hard giving her
>directions. She asks why
>don’t we meet in the
>cafeteria during my break in
>between classes tomorrow. I
>say no,
>because, in my head, I’m
>thinking she’s trying to
>control the situation and I
>won’t allow it. Also, I’m

an over-reaction, you meet her in a place you are both familiar and then you
take her wherever you want.

>thinking she wants to do this
>rather than me
>at night. This is a bad idea,
>because then I won’t get a
>chance to
>fuck her.

you might be able to fuck her better during the day because there's less ASD
during the day.

>HB7: How much time do you
>have between classes tomorrow?
>Me: Not a whole lot (This
>was a lie)
>Me: That’s why I want to meet
>up tomorrow night. (I said
>this based
>off the assumption that she
>wanted to meet me in the day
>rather than at
>Me: Tell you what, I’ll
>figure something out and call
>you tomorrow
>HB7: Okay.
>Me: Just leave tomorrow night
>open okay?
>HB7: Okay.
>Me: If I have a chance
>tomorrow, I’ll stop by the
>cafeteria just to
>say what’s up.
>HB7: All right.
>Next day, I stop by the
>cafeteria, and she’s with her
>UG friend again,
>so I go over there with a
>smile. We chit chat about
>school a little
>bit and what she’s working on.
>I run the Best Friends test… I
>had never
>used it before and I just
>learned it a couple of days
>before, so it
>didn’t work too well.
>Whatever. I talk to her
>friend a little, trying to
>get her to like me. It goes
>pretty well. I finally decide
>on a
>meeting place and time (7 pm),
>I say goodbye and tell her not
>to flake out on

hahaha, ok sure :)

>It turns out that she was
>waiting in the parking lot of
>the school,
>while I was at the entrance.
>I tell her that it was just a
>misunderstanding and then I
>blame her for being late in a
>C+F way. I tell her to
>comeback, because she was on
>her way home when I had
>Anyways, we finally get
>together and I hug her and
>tell her that I was
>glad she came back (was that a
>good thing or a bad thing? I
>didn’t say
>it in a desperate tonality,
>but I’m still not sure if was

it depends how you say it. Did you say it with a smile and a twinkle in your
eye? :)

>We get to our destination, a
>Japanese restaurant and she
>tells me how
>she loves sushi. Too bad I’m
>not buying any…ha ha! I DON’T
>open the
>door for her and I walk in
>first (read that on the
>players guide… still
>not too sure about it). We go
>straight to the bar and order

so far so good.

>I run a routine that I created
>called the Saggy titty
>routine. I had
>just thought it up earlier
>that day, so it was pretty
>short. But I’ve
>expanded it since. If anyone
>wants to know it, let me know.
>I’ve used
>it twice and got great
>responses from it. I also
>make sure to use the
>word “titty” too. It goes
>like this:
>Me: You’ll never believe what
>just happened to me.
>HB7: What?
>Me: I was at the gas station
>right before I got to the
>school and some
>old lady comes up to me and
>says, ‘hey, you’re pretty
>cute,’ raises her
>shirt, and shows me her
>HB7: (laughs) You’re joking!
>Me: No, I’m serious. She
>smelled like alcohol and
>HB7: (still laughing)
>Me: You’re laughing, but I was
>traumatized. They were all
>old and
>saggy. Ugh! I’m scarred for

lol, very nice, sets a sexual tone.

>From there, I did a lot of
>kino on her, touching her back
>and arm,
>trying to place anchors (my
>first attempt at that) every
>time she laughed
>at my jokes. She was tearing
>the label up on her beer
>bottle. I teased
>her about it constantly which
>made her blush a few times and
>I can tell
>she was just really enjoying
>my company. Her body language
>was really
>sexual. Like, she did a lot

she was shy and a bit nervous, means she's horny.

>of lip licking while looking
>at me and she
>was really stroking her beer
>bottle too, like she was
>jerking someone
>Also, I’d also like to mention
>what my body language was
>like. We were
>sitting directly next to each
>other on stools at a bar.
>She’s facing
>directly towards the bar and
>I’m at an angle, with my body
>language very
>open. I’m leaning forward,
>with my left arm extended on
>the back of
>her chair and my right arm
>resting on the bar. I’m
>looking at her the
>entire time with my eyes
>squinting at her in a sexual
>way. I make sure
>to lick my lips on occasion
>when she looks my way. Every
>once in a

I do this sort of thing to, it works very well!

>while, I glance a way, but
>most of the time; I’m just
>looking directly at
>her (I feel like this is okay,
>because I know she likes me).
>I always
>do this when I know a girl
>likes me and they always ask,
>“what are you
>looking at?” to which I reply,
>that little dirt spot on your
>head, or
>that booger hanging out of
>your nose. I always get a
>great response.
>Me: Can I ask you a question?
>Hb7: Yeah.
>Me: Why do you like me?

hehe, the assumption is that you know she likes you. not "do you like me?"
which is what the AFCs on the TV show Blind Date do.

>Hb7: What makes you think
>that I like you?
>Me: I can read your mind.
>I’m telepathic.
>Hb7: yeah right. That stuffs
>fake. (It’s funny because
>earlier, she
>was talking about how there
>might be a connection between
>us because we
>kept running into each other
>everyday after we first met.
>The irony.)
>Me: (laughing) You were just
>talking about us connecting
>not too long
>ago and then you say this
>stuff is fake?! AND you
>believe in God but
>you can’t believe in
>telepathy?! You’re a trip!
>Hb7: That’s different (I’m
>thinking to myself, yeah
>right…chicks are
>so weird)!
>Me: How is that different?
>Hb7: Blah blah (at this
>point, I probably should have
>paid more
>Me: So, you never answered my
>question. Why do you like me?
>Hb7: How do you know I like
>Me: I can tell through your
>body language. I just know
>when a girl
>likes me. Also, you’re still
>here with me and you’re having
>She then tells me that she’s
>attracted to me. We then talk
>relationships and I ask her
>why she’s single and what kind
>of guy she is
>looking for. But that
>particular topic doesn’t last
>that long. Turns
>out, neither one of us wants a
>relationship, so I’m thinking
>this would be
>an easy fuck. Normal

sounds like she really wants to get laid. And if she suspects you are a player
she will say what she thinks you WANT to hear, that you DON'T want a
relationship, just to get into your pants :)

>conversation continues and I
>talked passionately
>about my job (I work with a
>disabled kid) and she ate it

good for building comfort and a sense of safety.

>HB7: What kind of clubs do you
>go to?
>Me: How badly do you want to
>HB7: (smiling) Not that bad.

building sexual tension, good.

>HB7: What kind of clubs do you
>go to?
>Me: How badly do you want to
>HB7: Badly.
>Me: What are you gonna give
>HB7: (laughs) what do you
>Me: A kiss.
>HB7: (smiling) no.
>Me: Okay
>And I change the subject
>again. Later on, her cell
>phone rings and I
>say out loud in sort of
>playful way, “Hell no. I know
>you’re not gonna
>answer that!” She answers it
>anyway. I hate when girls
>talk on cell
>phones during a date. So, I
>get even by talking to the
>bartender (it’s
>a guy that I know from way
>back when. The whole point
>was to ignore
>her once she got off). She
>gets off and I’m still talking
>to the
>bartender. She gets impatient
>and taps me on the arm and I
>turn to her and
>tell her to hold on. She
>laughs and I continue talking
>to the bartender.
>Finally, I turn back to her
>and she says that that was
>wrong. And I’m
>like “What’s wrong? What’d I
>Eventually the convo turns to

she's responding well to your busting, that is good. Not all girls respond
well to that and c/f.

>Me: Do you like to tease?
>HB7: Yeah.
>Me: I hate it when girls
>HB7: Teasing is good when
>done in a right way.
>Me: What’s the right way
>HB7: When I’m with a guy and
>we’re kissing and he thinks
>he’s going to
>get some and he’s all hard and
>shit and then I just stop and

"yeah, and then he goes and calls another girl he knows to come on over and
finish the job."

>Me: That’s the wrong way!
>That would piss me off!
>She backtracks a little bit,
>but I can’t remember exactly
>what she
>said. But, I decide to show
>her the right way (DeAngelo
>Me: Let me show you the right
>HB7: Okay.
>I put my arm around her and
>gently try to put my hand on
>her face, but
>she pulls away. She thought I
>was trying to be slick and
>that I was
>actually trying to go in for
>the kiss that I wanted
>Me: No, seriously. Come
>here, let me show you.
>She turns towards me. Then I
>get all romantical and stuff,
>look her
>dead in her eyes (Now, keep in
>mind, I’m actually doing
>physically as I say it aloud).
>Me: The right kind of teasing
>is when you look someone in
>their eyes….
>like this (look in her eyes).
>And you move closer (I move
>And closer. And closer.
>Until your lips are about to

very smooth. you got real potential.

>She’s doggy-dinner bowl eyes
>at this point and we just
>stare at each
>other for like 10 seconds and
>then I back up with a smile on
>my face.
>Me: Now, that’s how you tease
>HB7: That was mean!
>After this, I could have had a
>kiss anytime I wanted it.
>Every time,
>she should would try and go in
>for a kiss, but I would always
>pull away.
>It was fun as hell and it got
>to a point where I didn’t even
>want to
>kiss her anymore, I just
>wanted to keep playing with
>her and she was
>dying to kiss me. This shit
>rules! We talk a little bit
>more and I ran
>another routine (a dog routine
>that someone created… can’t
>who…but I changed it to cats).
>It was about 10:30 when I
>finally did kiss
>her. At this time, I wanted
>to pull her outta of there,
>but we really
>had no place to go… she stays
>w/ her dad and I stay with my
>parents (I’m
>in college).
>Me: I want to get outta here,
>but I can’t think of any place
>to go.
>HB7: We can go to the beach.
>Me: Lets go.
>On our way to the beach, she
>starts putting make-up on
>(trying to get
>prettied up for me… tee hee)
>and I ‘m feelin all pimpish
>and everything.
>We get to the beach and I chat
>a little before I actually
>make my move.
>There were still people coming
>in and out of the beach as we
>sat in my
>car, so I continued to act
>disinterested in sex and talk
>about what was
>going on outside. She asks me
>what turns me on, so I tell
>her and then
>she tells me. We finally
>started kissing again. And I
>tell her I want
>to get in the backseat. (Just
>between you and me, I really
>didn’t have
>a goal at this point, because
>I didn’t want to have sex with
>her in
>such an open area where
>everybody was passing by.
>However, I think I
>would have settled for a
>blowjob). Anyways:
>Me: It’s uncomfortable up
>here. Lets get in the
>HB7: Now, bish0p, how would
>that look if I got into the
>backseat with
>you on the first date?

playfully whisper in her ear "what makes you think there'll be a second date?"

>I can’t remember exactly what
>I said, but it was something
>like this,
>Me: Well, we’re not going to
>do anything, cause I never
>sleep with a
>girl on the first date.
>Me: I just want our bodies to
>be closer together. And I
>can’t do that
>with the cupholder in the way.
>See look, it feels odd.
>I goofed off a little bit and
>just leaned my upper body on
>top of hers
>in an awkward position, with
>my ass still in the drivers
>seat. Hey, it
>got a laugh and she told me to
>show her again. After that,
>she was
>talking to me about something,
>and I was tossing the
>schoolbooks I had on
>my backseat onto the top part
>of the seat, where the back
>window is.
>It was like I was expecting
>her to go back there when she
>hadn’t given
>me permission yet. She still
>went back there anyway, hehe.
>I act like
>I’m in no rush and showed her
>that I broke the top on my
>earlier that day and blamed it
>on her. We start kissing
>again and after a
>while, I start kissing her
>neck and biting it a little.


>At this point,
>I want to take it a little
>further, so I touch the area
>between her
>collarbones, right below her
>throat, and I slowly move my
>finger down here
>chest, but I don’t go for her
>titty yet. Eventually, I do
>go for it
>and she resists. Fuck. I
>don’t give up yet. I continue
>kissing her and
>after a while, I try again. I
>slowly brush my hand up
>against her
>breast and she doesn’t resist.
>Then, I completely grab her
>titty too soon
>and she moves my hand away.
>So I stop and ask her:
>Me: Are you comfortable with
>HB7: Yes.
>Me: Does it feel good when I
>kiss you?
>HB7: Yes.
>Me: Does it feel good when I
>touch you?
>HB7: Yes.
>Me: Then, why won’t you be
>more open with me?
>HB7: I am open with you. I
>just don’t think it would be
>right if we
>had sex on the first date.
>Me: I’m not talking about
>sex. It’s just when I touch
>you somewhere,
>you move my hand away.
>Me: If something feels good,
>why not go with it. Why deny
>the pleasure.
>I can’t remember what I said
>after this, but we started
>kissing again.
>I decide to take it a little
>bit slower and I slowly brush
>the top of
>my hand over her titties
>again. Then she allows me to
>actually grab
>them. Coooool. After a
>while, I try to reach under
>her shirt, but it’s a
>no go. So, I stop and I
>separate from her, by moving
>all the way to my
>side of the door and she stays
>by her. I can’t remember how
>the convo
>started this time, but she
>thought I was mad at her.

freezeout is good

>Me: I’m not mad at you. I
>just can’t understand it why
>you’re not
>being more open with me.

no, never argue, just withdraw your attention a bit, become more distant and
more cold. Let her see this and initiate kino and then resume. Each time the
resistance will be less and less.

>Her: bish0p, how would it
>look on my part to sleep (she
>kept making
>that assumption) with you on
>the first date. I mean we
>just met. I want
>to get to know you a little
>bit better.
>Me: Will you ever truly know
>me? I mean, no matter how
>long you’ve
>known someone, do you ever
>truly know that person.
>Me: I mean, you could know me
>for days, for weeks, for
>years, and you
>would still never truly know
>the person that I really am.
>Me: I don’t know why people
>always conform to society
>rules. Like,
>you should sleep with someone
>after a certain amount of
>time. (I
>actually got deeper than this,
>but I can’t remember what I
>said exactly, but
>it was good stuff dammit).
>HB7: It’s not a rule; I just
>couldn’t respect myself the
>next day.

Just ASD. At this point just say "ok, we take it slow" and resume. Get her
turned on, rub her pussy. Besides it's not like she can get up and walk out on
you lol. It's your car (I'm assuming) and you got all night.

>Me: Why couldn’t you respect
>HB7: How would I know that
>you would respect me tomorrow
>or if you
>would call me.

"If you always think about the future you'll never get to enjoy the present"
and resume.

>I read about this particular
>ASD before, but I couldn’t
>remember what
>to do. All I remember saying
>is that, I’m not the kind of
>person who
>would do that. I told her how
>cool I think she is and that I
>would be a
>fool if I stopped talking to
>her (It’s true, she is cool
>and I would
>definitely continue talking to
>her). I could have had her
>that night. I
>know it. But, because of
>where we were, she wasn’t
>going to make it
>possible. She even brought up

thing is, there might not be a better opportunity. You can always go somewhere
else on the beach to fuck (if you need more room), like in a washroom. Also,
consider getting tinted windows.

>how it would be different if
>we were on a
>couch or on a bed. She even
>jokingly said that we should
>get a hotel.

She wants to fuck.

>I said, “You’re paying.” Lol.
>I was dead serious though, but
>she said
>she was joking (LIAR!!!
>Maybe, maybe not.) Anyways, I
>tried one more
>time by kissing her and
>touching her, but still, ASD.
>So, I said,

maybe her buying temp was down. Just get it back up again and continue with
the kino.

>Me: I’m getting kind of tired;
>let’s call it a night.
>HB7: Ok.
>On the drive back to her car,
>I think she was mad at me
>because she got
>real quiet. But, I ignored it
>and I started talking to her
>like I
>would a friend (about music
>and dancing) asking her if
>she’s ever gone to
>raves or similar clubs. She
>then started stroking the back
>of my head,
>like a girlfriend would do, so
>I’m thinking this is pretty
>cool. We
>get back to the parking lot
>where her car is and she asks
>me can I get
>Me: What are you going to
>give me.
>HB7: A hug.
>Me: That’s it?!
>HB7: Can it be a surprise?
>Me: Did I tell you how much I
>love surprises.
>I get out and go around to her
>side and we hug and she tells
>me she had
>a lot of fun, I say I’m glad
>and she kisses me again. I
>knew that a
>kiss was going to be the
>surprise. It’s cool. After 5
>seconds, I say
>that’s enough for now and go
>back towards my car. She then
>tries to
>tease me by bending over, with
>both legs straight, pretending
>she was
>looking for something in her
>car. She turns back towards
>me, and sees me
>looking and smiles. I’m
>thinking…bitch (but in a funny
>way). lol!
>Now, I felt like I did a good
>job that night. However, 3
>days had gone by and she still
>hadn't called me and this
>started to frustrate me. This
>was very unusual for me
>(mainly because I have limited
>experience), usually the girl
>calls me back soon after
>because she had so much fun.

wait a week to call her. Give her the gift of missing you. She needs that,
gives her a reason to lower the ASD.

>But, this happened
>Wednesday and it was Saturday.
>I didn't and still don't
>understand why I
>haven’t gotten one with this
>girl, especially considering
>the fact that she
>called me the first day we
>met. I thought this girl was
>dying to be
>with me. I mean, I don’t
>really care if she wants to
>see me again (I went
>on another date the next night
>with a different chick…two
>chicks in row, that’s a first
>for me), I just want to know
>why she hasn’t
>attempted to call me yet.

Chicks can change their mind at the speed of light. A lot of cock-blocking
shit happens after the time you two part
and she decides to talk to her friends to get their "expert" and
"socially-approved" opinion on men. But then again, maybe the feelings of
connection are strong enough and she won't flake. Wait a week and then call
her, and suggest a neutral get-together, no hinting at sex, no reason for ASD.
Get her turned on, then isolate and fuck.

>This is the phone call:
>Me: What’s up?
>HB7: Nothing (she seems like
>she doesn’t want to talk to
>me, like
>she’s mad at me… I’m thinking
>it’s because this is the first
>time I’ve
>attempted to call her since
>Wednesday, or maybe I’m just
>being too
>paranoid….I don’t know).
>Me: Are you at work?
>HB7: Blah blah.
>Me: Well, I was just thinking
>about you and I wanted to tell
>you that
>I had fun on Wednesday night.
>Hb7: Ah, that’s so sweet (I
>hate when girls say that).
>Me: Are you all right (was
>that lame? let me know)

it's not so bad?

>Hb7: Yeah, why?
>Me: You seem like you’re mad
>or something. Like you just
>got into
>argument or something.
>Hb7: I’m okay. I’m just at
>my moms, counseling her on guy
>Me: Ah, you’re such a good
>Hb7: What are you doing?
>Me: Homework.
>Hb7: That’s what I should be
>Me: Oh, are you being lazy
>and slacking off?
>Hb7: No, blah blah.
>Hb7: Are you still going to
>the club tonight?
>Me: Maybe. What are you
>Hb7: Blah blah.
>Me: Okay, well anyways,
>let’s meet up on Tuesday.
>Hb7: Okay, but I don’t know
>my schedule for work.

ah, her way out, an easy opportunity for her to flake on you.

>Me: Okay, well if you don’t
>have to work, let’s meet up.
>Hb7: Okay.
>Me: Are you sure you’re okay
>(I shouldn’t have asked again)
>Hb7: (weak laugh) Yeah blah
>Me: Okay, just checkin.
>HB7: All right.
>Me: All right.

I know the feeling that comes with this. It's like a feeling of disgust,
guilt, regret, past emotional baggage all at once. The key is to be clinically
detached from all of this.

When you make the phone call have an upbeat and positive attitude, like there
is nothing wrong, tell stories, get her laughing, get her wanting to see you
again. Of course this works well if they don't decide to cut the phone call
short because they have "something" to do. The point is, go in with the best
attitude and state possible. Like if you're feeling really good about
something, THAT's the time to call her.

>The funny thing is, after this
>phone call, I'm like fuck it.
>I'm not gonna even worry about
>this chick and I'm not going
>to call her to meet up with
>her. She has to call me first
>(I know this sounds like
>one-itis and it probably is,
>but I've been talking to other
>chicks since then too, so I'm
>not sure). Anyways, she calls
>me today and says she can't
>meet up with me Tues. but she
>wants to meet with me tomorrow
>for a movie and I agree.


>I can't tell if I'm doing the
>right things with this chick
>or not. This happens a lot
>with me. I always have a hard
>time telling if I played a
>smooth game on a chick. When
>I think I do badly, it
>actually turns out that I did
>good. When I do good, it
>turns out that I do badly.
>Does this happen with any of
>you guys?

A lot of that is just YOUR feelings, which may or may not have anything to do
with REALITY. Always be clinically detached from your negative feelings. I
know, easier said than done.

You did good overall, just have to fine tune your overall game.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2004 by "Jestor111" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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