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*Speed Sarging* - the Ultimate Excuse Killer! long

mASF post by TheShangriLa

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*Speed Sarging* - the Ultimate Excuse Killer! long
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mASF post by "TheShangriLa"
posted on: mASF forum: Tactics / Techniques Discussion, June 6, 2005

I've been an active member of the London Seduction Society
( over here in London for the past few months and have
mainly posted my field reports etc on that board. But as a solution to a
problem that's been occuring at our regular sarge meets, I've came up with a
fun new social experiment that I'd like to share with you all. We've tried it
out and it's cool. *Try it* yourself and let's hear what you think.

Usually there is one regular LSS sarge meet organised each week, often on a
Sunday. We meet in a central London, match up any newbies with more advanced
guys and sarge all the beautiful girls who are lucky enough to cross our path.

At many of the usual sarge meets, a lot of time is taken up waiting, discussion
of theory, products, seminars etc. I mean, some of the delays are inevitable
when you are trying to organise a large group of people. But some of the delays
are just unnecessary. Like some guys turning up and straight away saying "Hey,
I need to get food" and we'd all end up going along and that would take a
while. For me, I just came to sarge. So I began to get annoyed at all the
unnecessary waiting.

And another thing I noticed was that the more the weeks went on, the more and
more delays were happening. Like last weekend over a 3 hour sarging session I
opened only 3 sets (I remember standing around A LOT). Well, that's just not
good enough because I want to get good and I figure that will only happen if I
regularly open at least 15-20 sets at a sarge meet. Practice makes perfect. So
I came up with the concept of:

*Speed Sarging*
Much like the concept of speed dating, where you meet an unnaturally high
amount of girls in the least amount of time. I though about it and came up with
my ideal set of rules to play this game by, which follow:

*Speed Sarging* - the Ultimate Excuse Killer!

Be ready to start from the moment you arrive. If you aren't there on time - too
bad - we start without you. Be fed and watered before you get there (or be
willing to pick up something from a street vendor to eat on the move). Have
your openers, routines etc prepared and rehearsed. Prepared means you've said
them out loud in front of the mirror 12-15 times, changing you tonality and BL
until it is appropriate. Practice success. If you have nothing to open a set
with, how will you open 25-35 sets? Don't waste your time and your fellow
sarger's time - come prepared.


1. Pick the set you want to open. If you take too long, your wing picks the set
for you.

2. Open the set. You stay in set for as long as you need to make a close. Speed
Sarging is NOT about getting out of sets quickly. It's about getting IN to sets
quickly and not being "out of set" for long. You stay in set for as long as you

N.B. If you find a girl who is really into you - Speed Sarging ends! Remember -
it's all about meeting girls. Don't walk away from a girl who is interested.

3. Otherwise the set closes and then it's your wings turn to open. Rule No. 1
now applies to him. Open sets in rotation, i.e. you open, your wing opens, you
open, your wing opens etc.

The guiding principle behind *Speed Sarging* is to kill all excuses. Once a set
closes, your wing should open another INSTANTLY. The time "out of set" should
be minimal - only a few minutes at the very most. This is the principal of
speed sarging - speed between sets and a minimum of "lost" time.

If you refuse to open 5 sets that your wing has chosen for you, you will be
asked to leave. Why? Because you are holding yourself and your wing back. Just
ask the time if nothing else and allow your wing his turn.


Very very important - no matter what happens, keep your composure. Chill for a
moment and regain your composure if something throws you off. You must throw
yourself into the challenge knowing you will survive. It's just chatting to
girls after all! Soon you will be unshakeable. This is a very good skill to

Sarging Etiquette:

Whoever opens the set leads the set. The wing hangs back and only verbally
enters the set on request or to offer essential help if he sees his friend

That's it!
Rack up the numbers, quash the anxiety and have fun.

The Shangri La
11th June 2005


We tried this out a few times and what an awesome adventure it was! In my
original post to invite guys to come *speed sarging*, I said we were going to
do 5 warm-up openers with the GM style line:

"Excuse me, miss, do you kiss strangers?"
"Well then, allow me to introduce myself."

To my surprise, this wasn't just a good warm-up line, but an EXCELLENT DIRECT
OPENER. The first day there were 3 of us and in the first half hour of speed
sarging my wing number closed HBspanish in about 2 minutes and I email closed
HBitalian in less than 3 minutes. Wow, the power of direct game. I've been
regularly sarging for about 2 1/2 month and that was my first ever email close.
I think I love direct game.

*As an aside, I was treated to some quality chick logic from HBitalian. She
said she out buying a gift for her boyfriend. It was his birthday in a few days
and she was planning to dump him after that - she just couldn't dump him before
his birthday! So she is asking me for advice on what to buy her boyfriend, the
guy she is going to dump in the next few days. I said something like "You
should buy him a dildo". Funny stuff and she seemed eager to stay in contact
with me.

Anyway, try out this cool social experiment for yourselves and report back. As
you are going to be opening lots and lots of sets anyway (I open about 25+ sets
over 3 hours), use direct openers. I mean, you will get blown out more often,
but the girls that don't blow you out will be awestruck by your direct,
masculine approach. Some of the chicks I approached today looked stunned and
thrilled when I used this direct opener, like they had never ever been
approached like that before in their life. Can't be bad.

Try it out - it's cool!
The Shangri La

P.S. Just to avoid any confusion - *Speed Sarging* is not related to Ross
"Speed Seduction»". As stated above, it has more in common with the
modern phenomenon of speed dating that anything else.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "TheShangriLa" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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