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Re: A Man's Pedigree

mASF post by Aaron R. Kulkis

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Re: A Man's Pedigree
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mASF post by "Aaron R. Kulkis"
posted on: USENet: newsgroup, August 8, 1999

Anonymous wrote:
> I feel Mystery and aardy boy both come from bad stock. That is why
> they are such complete losers.

Prove it.

> Let's all look at our pedigrees and determine if we will ever amount
> to something. Even if we have a less that satisfactory pedigree,
> we can do something of giving enemas to the handicapped
> for example.

> Let's take Aaron Kulkis. He is a low life gun nut who has managed
> to make a good living as a Unix programmer. Our hats should be off
> to him for that. Otherwise he would simply be some shrimp in a
>circus side show. His poor pedigree led to his lack of height and
> the resultant gun nut personality.

1. My interest in firearms developed IN the military, wherein I
took an oath to defend your worthless ass.

2. Programmer? Hardly. As an engineer and administrator,
programmers come to me for advice, you fool.

3. My father is 6'2" and my grandfather is 6'3". Try again.

4. I take an interest in firearms because I have an interest
in protecting the freedom of myself and those I love. The
most concrete and immediate way to protect your rights is to
be armed. Even if you are as tall as Micheal Jordan, your BEST
guarantee of personal safety is to be armed. Why? Let's say
Scott Baio wants to mug Micheal. IF Scott has a large caliber
pistol, and Micheal doesn't, guess who wins the encounter?
Now, run the same scenario where both men are armed.

5. I place in the 99th percentile on standardized tests. I'm
sure you're intelligent enough to comprehend the remifications
of that.

> His membership in the reserves proves his loser status.
> A "wannabe soldier".

I'm a decorated combat veteran. Are you?

When was the last time you watched tracers skimming over your head?
Have you even ONCE felt the awesome concussion of an exploding
grenade? Get back to me when you can describe these frightening
yet exhilirating experiences.

I just see no need to waste the taxpayer's money spending
endless time in the field to learn skills that are EASILY
maintained with 40 days of training/year in any soldier with
sufficient intelligence. [No, I'm not saying that regular
army soldiers are stupid....only that there is no reason
to spend 200+ days in the field practicing skills that don't
take nearly that long to maintain. Exceptions for armor
and aviation]

In time of war, my battalion can be run up to first-line
proficiency with 30 days training.

In return, I cost the taxpayer 90% less money...actually, since
I pay more in taxes at my civilian job compared to my yearly
pay in the military, I am essentially a FREE soldier.

> But he does eek out a there is proof it
> can be done.

Eek out a living? I travel anywhere in the world at will.

I'm also not stupid enough to pay *enormous* sums of money
for a rusting piece of metal, when I can get the same level
of utility and comfort for far less. Currently, I have
a 1989 Geo Spectrum. My ANNUAL maintenance and repair costs
are less than one of your car payments. By the way, WHO holds
the title for your car. *I* own my car.

Your vehicle lost 30% of it's value the moment you drove it off
the dealer's lot. It will lose another 25% of it's value by the
end of the year. Additionally, you're paying outrageous
insurance premiums for damage on the vehicle in case of accident.
If my car gets totalled, I'll take all of the money that I have
saved from lower insurance rates, buy another inexpensive vehicle,
and STILL have money left over. And're paying interest
on a loan for an item which declines in value every day....and
you claim to be intelligent....what a moron.

As W.C.Fields said, "A fool and his money were lucky to get
together in the first place." You and your 1999 Porsche are
a prime example.

There's a reason why typical UAW shoprats in the Detroit area,
whose daily work can be performed by someone with a 7th grade
education, typically have two houses, a large boat and
various other recreational vehicles.....because the auto
industry is a money machine as long as their are people
like you, who have more money than brains, who can be counted
upon to buy a new car every year because it appeals to your
overwhelming vanity and snobbery.

You have yet to counter my assertion that your position in
life is primarily due to your DADDY'S wealth....

Wanna try again, pamper-boy?

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©1999 by "Aaron R. Kulkis" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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