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PU drive going down

mASF post by Prime Alpha

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PU drive going down
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mASF post by "Prime Alpha"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, August 8, 2005

On 8/1/05 12:08:00 PM, thrillseeker wrote:
>I'm starting to think that
>it's only worth talking to
>chicks you're not really into
>for warming up only.

When you get good enough at PU, indeed, it ONLY makes sense to talk togirls you
are interested in. You have no need for "practice fodder" anymore.

What's more, in reply to Ox: When you have lots of food, you are never as
hungry, but you are still hungry sometime.

When you have lots of girls, you usually won't feel too strong an urge to go
out every single night to meet more girls, but you will still go out once a
week or maybe even once every two weeks, and you will still enjoy meeting
pretty women. You are still naturally hungry - but you are also naturally

I, myself, now that I got to a point where I can fairly say I have solid game,
don't feel the urge to go out and prowl every night. Every other night is good
enough ;-) Heh, j/k on that one, actually once a week was always enoguh for me.
And you meet so much girls everywhere like the supermarket and the street, that
a good PUA don't even have to "go out" to meet girls.

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