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Dealing with dominant women

mASF post by Jestor

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Dealing with dominant women
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mASF post by "Jestor"
posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, May 5, 2005

On 5/17/05 4:43:00 AM, hotlab wrote:
>It is not that simple.
>Masculinity has nothing to do
>with dominance. What fucks up
>a man's masculinity from the
>point of view of a woman is
>not being submissive, but
>showing fear of rejection,
>fear of failure, fear of loss. have a funny way of defining things hotlab. Masculinity is dominance
for sure, at least webster would agree. But whatever way you define things for
yourself ultimately the TRUE TEST is: Does it get you acting the way you should
be acting in order to best attract women?

>Many successful seducer
>archetypes are submissive.
>Look at "Art of Seduction" or
>David DeAngelos document
>"Lover and Provider"
>"The Seducer (sex)
>Someone who is sensual and
>sexy and makes her feel sexy.
>Seducers are usually
>submissive, as they are
>constantly pleasing the woman,
>and paying careful attention
>to her needs."

I would say a seducer is more self-serving than that. Why please a women if
you aren't getting something in return or at least moving the interaction in
the direction of INTIMACY?. I like pleasing women myself but there is always a
goal for MYSELF in mind.

It seems the attraction switch is more in tune with: "he is pleasing me for his
own agenda" rather than "he is pleasing me for my own sake" - which is not
really conducive to hard attraction IMO.

This becomes more obvious when you encroach a woman's comfort levels, keeping
the heat on, and she wants you even more after that.

Quite often, creating attraction in a woman is about fueling the internal
struggle she naturally wages against herself in order to RESIST you.

>Dominance is a personality
>trait. It is wrong that women
>are becoming used to being
>dominant by working in male
>dominated professions. These
>women have a natural tendency
>to being dominant... so they
>choose these kind of
>Also dominance/submissiveness
>can be a strong sexual
>stimulation for some people.
>So being dominant with a woman
>who is stimulated by a man's
>submissiveness doesn't work.
>But you know that already.

Women like strong dominant men. I don't want to focus on the outliers who are
different from the rest of the female species. Women LIKING strong dominant
men is much more of a universal than some women liking red purses, or black

"So what you don't want to fuck me! Do you have any idea how many chicks have
pussies and mouths??" - MrSex4uNYC

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "Jestor" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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