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Tom Cruise Alpha Snippet

mASF post by TylerDurden

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Tom Cruise Alpha Snippet
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mASF post by "TylerDurden"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, May 5, 2005

On 5/17/05 12:47:00 PM, Racer X wrote:
>I believe this is one of the
>techniques used in
>Scientology, which Tom Cruise
>is a big time member of. I
>took a course in it but was
>really weirded out by the
>people, who to me, all had
>this really weird blank stare.
>If you look at Cruise closely,
>you'll see he has it as well,
>though this technique might be
>used well for PU.

That's interesting because I also noticed that look in John Travolta (another
high profile Scientologist), but always thought that it was just in my head.

It's interesting how many celebs have that void in their life, that something
like Scientology can fill.

Style interviewed Tom Cruise, and said that he was the epitome of charisma.
I'd love to meet the guy.

RSD (c) 2005
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