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Tom Cruise Alpha Snippet

mASF post by PlayerSupreme

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Tom Cruise Alpha Snippet
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mASF post by "PlayerSupreme"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, May 5, 2005

This is actually one of the techniques of charisma. You make that other person
feel like they are the only one in the world. You give them 100% focus. I use
this on women whom I meet when I'm in the club 99% of the time.

They often wonder if I'm like this with everyone. I am.

It's the old ADD/Hunter gene. The ability to wide focus on everything in the
environment then the ability to hyper focus in on one target or game.

Those with the Farmer gene, I now realize will not be able to develop into
naturals. They lack the mental acuity to shift focus at a moments notice.

If you look at the Hunter gene pools history. You had to be able to tune into
your environment to watch out for preditors. Then you need to be able to hyper
focus in on your game.

I've posted that when I walk into a room or environment I'm always scanning the
room. Then when I find a target I can lock in on her.

I'm sure Tom Cruise has a mild form of ADD also or he has learned the basic
elements of charisma.

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