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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Happiness & Confidence”

Recent post by BigCojones, November 25, 2008

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I had a hard time figuring out how to construct this post to make it understandable, but now, I think I have it. If you take this to heart and REALLY GET IT, this will be the last post you will EVER have to read. (Pretty cocky, huh? ) Infact this is what everybody is TRUELY looking for. This is not only for PU, but everything in life.

You propably knew this deep inside, but haven't yet "figured" it out.

A little over a month ago, I had a realization, the biggest "AHA moment" if you will. Everything just clicked, I understood social dynamics COMPLETELY. Every post was connected to eachother through this core principle. The "She wants it more" and "Good intentions, selfish intentions" threads are me trying to explain it. I just didn't have the right words. I tried to explain it to some non-community people and as a result they all thought I was crazy. I couldn't explain it. Language is SO limiting. If you guys don't get this, I will be ok by it. Matter of fact, if you think i'm crazy, it's cool too, i'm used to it.

When we all found the community, we wanted to get laid. We propably thought that "Yeah! If I can get pussy I will truely like myself!" which is understandable. We liked every guy who got laid and we looked up to them. The problem with that is that getting laid will never bring you happiness. I almost wrote a post on it. I was getting laid every time I went out, but OVERALL I didn't feel ANY DIFFERENT than I felt before I found the community. I still didn't like myself. See when you come to ASF you start to value pussy, SHB's and guys who are really good at it, you will never learn to value yourself. This is why I talked about leaving the boards in one of the above mentioned threads. ASF is a SOURCE OF VALIDATION. PUSSY IS A SOURCE OF VALIDATION. When you came here, you believed that if you can get a womens pussy, that means she likes you. You wanted their VALIDATION. So you come back here and try to get better and better, so you can feel the validation feeling more and more. After your first few lays, you propably FELT GREAT, but with enough lays under your belt, that feeling will go away. So after you get more pussy than possible and you don't feel validated by it anymore, you need a new source for validation. This is what ASF is for the experienced guys. A SOURCE OF VALIDATION. They will only feel good about themselves, if they are somebody people look up to, IOW LIKE.


A guy who values pussy, will ALWAYS NEED to get laid, the SHB's and people looking up to them if they are doing a good job getting it to FEEL GOOD ABOUT HIMSELF. (Feel validated)

A guy who values money and superficial things, will ALWAYS NEED those, to feel good about himself.

A guy who values power, will ALWAYS NEED IT, to feel good about himself



So what is the thing that gives you that value??

We as human beings and social creatures, will always need to feel that we are accepted by others, IOW be a part of the group. That is what EVERYBODY is aiming for. That is what you have been doing ALL YOUR LIFE, no matter how it was. Through social conditioning, MOST people think it is through career and money -> your place in society. Us ASF:ers think it is thorugh being "ALPHA" and getting laid. Our MEANS values are different but are ENDS values are the same WITH EVERYBODY. We want to feel validated by others. That is the source of ALL happiness. That is your core motivator for everything you decide (or not, pussies ) to do.

So enough beating around the bush. What is the REAL thing you should have in your head? What is GREAT INNER GAME»? What makes you happy, confident, HSE?

It is REALLY SIMPLE. It is the KEY BELIEF of "He/She/People LIKE ME whatever I think/feel/say/do" or "People like me the way I am" (Not sure what it is exactly, but it is something along the lines of this). When you believe this, you will be happy and show confidence in everything you do. INFACT, every NEGATIVE feeling you have EVER HAD (Stress, neediness, worry etc.) is because you had DOUBT in this belief or you didn't believe it. The stronger you believe this, the better you will feel.

It's funny, in your life you have gotten this belief from feeling good/state. In reality you can feel good/have state ALL THE TIME if you believe this. Infact, STATE IS THIS BELIEF.

Remember a time when you had a funny line and you were sure that it was going to be funny. You didn't hesitate to say it and it felt really good. Well you subcommunicated this and everybody laughed there asses off. Well imagine being so sure that people like you that you would feel that same powerful GOOD feeling of happiness ALL THE TIME. Makes you think of the possibilities, doesn't it? This will work like the "law of attraction".

If this is the subcommunication to anyhting you do, it will be accepted VERY WELL. (It's not what you do, its how you do it)

If you adopt the key belief in to every aspect of your game your sticking points will be gone. Your problems with women (and in social situations) will stop to exist. If you never stop believing it, no matter what happens, all of the "alpha" traits will be yours automatically, you will have ultimate power to which your imagination and your biology is the limit.

(To list a few)

* You will feel totally comfortable in every situation. You will have good relaxed BL. There is no such thing as perfect BL.

* You will have complete dominance. You can do whatever the fuck you feel like doing. It won't matter what it is, if you keep believing. You can be totally in your own reality and other people will get sucked into that.

* You can be totally honest with what your thinking and feeling. They will like you anyway. (Referring to killswitches post)

* Your frame will be ultra strong, if this is the UNDERLYING belief behind it. It doesn't matter what the context of the frame is, it will be congruent. See, a frame will only be strong if you believe it is how the world works. If you believe other people will like that, than inevatibly that IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS.

* Your AR will be super small. No person will enter it until you want something from them. Every person will be put on pAR because you won't consider anybody a "threat" to your social standing.

* You will be totally outcome independant and indifferent, I mean WTF?!! Would you care what happens, because you knew it was going to happen anyway and that they liked you anyway. You wouldn't give a FUCK.

* You won't feel any neediness. To me neediness means that you need some reassurance that the other person likes you. Sexual neediness is just that. Sex is the ultimate form of validation. When you want sex from a woman you wan't to be totally sure she likes you, sex will give that to you. That's why when you don't give validation to a woman she will want sex from you.

* You won't feel the need to seek validation (or qualify yourself). You have been PRE validated. Seeking validation is because you want to know that they like you.

* You won't feel the need to supplicate. You would only do things to other people if you WANTED to do so.

* You will be on ACTION mode to achieve what your goal is. Analysis is just this -> You are trying to figure out if it will work or not. Will she like me or won't she?

* You would have NO EGO. I mean what image would you have to keep up, if you knew that they liked you nevertheless of what you do.

* You will never feel rejected. Because techincally in your mind you've never been rejected.

* You will never feel betasized.

Frame control and calibration is actually the same thing. When you calibrate you get this belief back.

Game, put short, is this... Your trying to break the other persons key belief. But to me, if you are trying to consciusly break another persons belief system, that is a sign of your own insecurity. Show people that you like them and you will create a positive vibe around yourself wich is the most attractive to other human beings.

All of your successful and unsuccessful PU's and relationships can be broken down with this pretty simply.


A. You believed strongly in the key belief. (If this goes on for long enough, B will start to happen)

* Direct game

* Persistence (Without poutiness )

* Escalation/Sexual game

* Everything you say is interesting or funny (What you think will work, will work)


B. She started to doubt the key belief. (If this goes on for long enough, A will start to happen)

* Indirect

* Negs

* Teasing, C&F, Prizing, Busting her balls...

* Takeaways

* Shutting up

* Not giving validation game


C. You both believed in the key belief.

* We are both the prize

* This is the desired goal to ahieve, but only happens if both are extremely HSE.


A. You started to doubt the key belief. (If this goes on for long enough, B will start to happen)

* Shit tests

* Betazing

* Jealousy

* Her social proof

* Manipulation


B. She started to believe in the key belief stronger than you. (If this goes on for long enough, A will start to happen)

* Showing too much interest

* Not being a challenge


C. You both started to doubt the key belief or lost it all together.

* You or she didn't show enough attainability (Includes arguments & fights)

These are PU examples, but this will apply in everything in life and social situations. If you believe that the woman likes you, you will not have the need to fuck her. THIS IS POWERFUL SHIT. And can be applied to anything you want to do. If you want to fuck her, it can be done if you keep believeing this.


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