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I'm pulling one off of the shelf here. I'm giving you guys one of my classic moves. You BETTER appreciate it.
This isn't for the inexperienced guy. You have to at least have SOME game and generally be comfortable around women... and comfortable dishing out stupidity(the reason why it works).
I give you, in all its shining glory, the secret to how your phone can get you laid...
The Buying Temperature Buster: SOI Phone Tag
In simplicity, you text SOIs to a girl...
Yep, its THAT simple. The stupidity of it(disarmingly funny, but sexual) is what pumps her BT through the roof until she bursts(thats where I got the name from) by creating a huge loop of sexual tension with no release.
I usually start with some blatantly retarded push/pull sms messages.
Somewhere in between texts, she's going to VERBALLY acknowledge what you're doing. Just play it off, laugh about it, ignore it, pretend like you don't even know what she's talking about and just have boring mundane verbal conversations. Its best NOT to talk about it so that there can be more tension.
So perhaps I send that text and she's like "OMG, NVP you're awful, hahaha. Why are you sending me this." I'll just say I'm bored or something, then change the subject and continue on.
More texts...
NVP: To give me a back rub. Im kinda uptight.
Again, she might verbalize it a few times, but just play it off however you choose(which can be one of those ways I mentioned or a mix of them) until she gets the idea.
More texts...
NVP: I'm just playing. HB, I really want you...
NVP: To wash my clothes. Yes, I'm lazy.
Girl(hopefully, she's finally texting you): Lol. NVP, youre crazy
NVP: I know, I'm crazy. I can't help it around you. You're sooo sexy.
Girl: Lol
NVP: Seriously though, I want you.
Girl: You want me how? Something crazy this time too?
NVP: I want you... bad.
NVP: I could just throw you up against the wall right now.
NVP: You make me want to do all kinds of things to you.
Girl: Lol, like what?
From time to time, you switch between being retarded and being serious. Pick and choose when, its up to you. You can have a lot of fun with it if you like or you can start of fun, and get progressively more serious. But do mix in some humor from time to time.
NVP: Like... force you to wash my dishes...
GIrl: LMAO. Something is wrong with you.
NVP: Naked
Girl: Hahaha
NVP: I'd love to have you naked. I'd kiss you everywhere.
NVP: Well, ALMOST everywhere
Girl: This is ridiculous, lol. Where would you kiss me?
This is like hitting BINGO when she starts to play along with the texts.
NVP: Where ever you want. Id kiss you all over your body. I'd start with your lips.
Girl: OMG, you're so bad.
NVP: I didn't even say which ones.
Girl: Lol. This is crazy.
NVP: Which lips should I start with?
Girl: Whichever lips you want.
You get the idea. You just keep it going, and when she starts playing along with it, she's bought it and is probably getting horny.
Now, keep in mind, stuff like this is super hilarious. She'll be literally laughing out loud. She'll even verbally want to acknowledge it. Just play that off. Laugh as little as possible. The texts should have no influence on how YOU have a conversation with her. Don't let her release the tension verbally.
You can do dumb stuff like wink at her or blatantly lick your lips for her and get some funny reactions every rare occasion, but you want to keep the verbal conversation very very separate from the texts.
I KNOW you guys are dying to ask me where all have I done this and with what kind of girls.
I'm glad you asked.
I've done it EVERYWHERE. I've done it sitting on the couch with a girl while we're by ourselves. I've done it at dinner, whether its me and the chick, or us and her family, or us and her friends. I've done it walking through the mall. I've done it at the movies. I've done it on the way to see a girl, get there and act like I don't know what she's talking about, and kept it going when we went out. I've done it house parties where we'll have even split up talking to other people while texting each other. When I was in school, I even did it in class.
I've done it EVERYWHERE you can think of. So what kind of chicks you ask? Back when I used to do it alot... EVERY kind of chick.
I've done it with day2's, girls on slow track, girls in my social circle, black girls, white girls, blue girls(lol), hot girls, average girls, cute girls, tall girls, short girls, young girls, older... girls(?), girlfriends, mltr's, girls I haven't slept with, girls that were really interested in me, girls that weren't that interested in me, etc...
You name it, I've done it. I'd wager you could get a girls number and do it the same day, while she's right there. I'll be going out to test that personally.
Rarely ever do I get a bad response. A bad response = she won't want to play along or might just want me to stop texting her. Thats happened MAYBE twice.
You can keep it going until your in isolation and escalate however you want to. If you don't ever isolate, you keep the messages going while shes away(send them very infrequently), and by the time you see her again, you can drop and run your normal game. Hell, if you meet in isolation(her place or yours) you can just drop your game completely, throw her against the wall and go at it.
Field tested.
Remember, keep the verbal conversation natural and "plain"(in comparison to the texts anyway). You don't have to kino much. Incidental is fine. Light touches here and there are fine. You don't have to go over board. If she starts playing along, she's hooked. Try to keep some humor mixed in to give her some release. You don't have to send a message every 30 seconds either. Use your brain on that one.
This puts a brand new spin on phone game. Where the phone is usually your enemy, its now you best friend.