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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “GET REJECTED!!! and Triumph.”

Recent post by masterovdisaster, June 16, 2008

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It is a part of life. It is what makes us human. It is what makes us men.

Why ? Because we can take it.
Women cower at the fear of it. In the past it would trigger this instinct deep inside to make you want to crawl into a hole in the ground and hide your face. Not anymore, you are a leader now, a leader takes more risks, and must fail at times in order to succeed.

When you were a child and tried to walk you fell many times. You don’t remember this anymore because walking to you is as natural as breathing, you do it on automatic. In order to get the sex life that you want, and deserve as a man, you must also get rejected MANY, MANY times. Get This Into Your Head Now. There is no way around it.

At the beginning of your journey you will push every interaction to the fullest. A number close, a kiss, a sexual experience, or a very firm and solid NO. there is no middle ground. People used to give you bullshit answers, spineless excuses, some sort of girl talk that thought needed an enigma machine to decode. Not anymore, you’re a man now, you fight, you compete, and you get rejected. A firm NO, and you are already on your way to better prospects.

Now isn’t that a relief? doesn’t it feel so much better now that you don’t waste your time anymore with lame excuses and spineless answers. All this freedom because you grew a set of balls, and can now muster up the willpower to let go of your ego, let go of other peoples expectations of how you should or should not behave. You no longer live by the parameters that society dictates to you, you dictate your own.

You will have nights where you constantly get rejected. Left and right. Despite your good looks and brawn, girls will laugh at you and people may snicker. Your gonna feel the anger or resentment burning away at you like fire in your veins. This is normal, it is your inner beast raging inside. You must, however, control these emotions, it is what distinguishes you from the rest of the animal kingdom. You go run, or hit the heavy bag with a vengeance until the feeling is all gone. Breathe, You are the same, unchanged, you can still enjoy life, you are still man. You still have great friends, or parents that care about you, or an exciting job, an identity that separates you from all the other others around you. Live to fuck another day.

In order to get the babes you desire, the ones that are your exact type, your poison, the one with the large supple breasts and the dark skin, or the tall thin blonde, you must get rejected many many times by the 6s, 7s, and 8s along the journey. You will eventually get so many 9s and 10s that all the rejections you faced before is not even a memory. Like a fart, one moment, and gone the next. Like water off a ducks ass. There is nothing a woman can do to affect your self esteem. Nothing.

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