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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “DON'T KISS HER (yet)”

Recent post by Hshudo, July 28, 2008

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You should not Kiss her. EVER


But in my own experience its not always a good idea. I remember Corvette(a great poster and contributor) saying once that he felt he was forcing the kiss sometimes. I think this is a pit fall, that myself and several others have found ourselves falling into.

This used to be a huge SP of mine, but I have since turned it into what is probably one of greatest strengths, thanks to some recent experiences.

This is of course 100% test by me.

In my experience if you force the kiss, then she will be validated enough (and a lot of women mess around with losers at the club just for validation) that she will not take your call. That or she will flake on you.

It is a far better thing to not kiss her than force the kiss, but then you could be perceived as not a sexual threat depending on your frame.

The road to sex is not exactly straight. I have fucked a girl without kissing her (I just wanted to see if I could).

Ask yourselves this gentlemen.

What turns you on more, a kiss from a girl, or that same girl rubbing her hand on your crotch?

Exactly. Instead of the kiss I would recommend that you pump her BT until she is attempting to force the kiss on you. Trust me nothing is cooler than a girl trying to force you to kiss her. (okay somethings are, but its pretty cool.)

See this instantly flips the frame to her chasing you. No matter the situation.

You see the Kiss is a way point, but you can go around it. If you force her to be the one that crosses that point instead of you, then you have her chasing you.

So lets move onto some more practical stuff.

So lets say I want the kiss, but I want her to start it, like above. I do this in isolation. Could be a movie, could be a dance floor, could be a couch. Just as long as some douche is not going to interrupt and kiss the sexual tension.

I crank my kino up. I pull her into me. I grab the back of her hair like I was going to kiss her, and force her head up to look at me. Lean in, and then instead of kissing her I go to the side. I let of cheeks brush together ever so lightly. I breath on her neck, let my nose glance her ear as I pull my head back up and out. I run my hand through her hair, and then down her neck.

I tilt her chin up to my lips, and hover about 4 inches away from them. I hold EC this entire time, unless I get so close I can't. Then I let my hand fall down her chest. Not her tits. Her chest above that. I just brush all these things lightly. Accept the chin. I pull it to the kiss point. Some times I get a hairs breath from kissing her and don't.

I just keep doing this sort of stuff to push her buttons. The trick to to really make her believe you are going to kiss her, and then don't. If you know you could K close and do this instead it generates so much more attraction and arousal.

The ANTICIPATION of the kiss is so much stronger than the kiss itself. It will actually make her think you are a better kisser just because she wants it so bad.

This has seriously helped my Flake rate go down.

I think this tactic is so much better than simply kissing a girl.

If you can make her force this kiss then you are golden.

Tell me what you think boys.

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