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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “I know 3 guys in real life who can PU regularly”

Recent post by ockwick, July 29, 2008

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All three of these guys I know personnally (among friends AND people from mASF, LSS and French forums), and have personnally witnessed approaching chicks, getting phone numbers AND getting laid. No I haven't witnessed the sex, though once I heard it cuz I was sleeping in the living room. I've seen them PU chicks and take them home the same day/night and fuck them.

These 3 guys are the only ones I know in real life who are better than me at PU (for now)

#1: phoenix5096. He posted maybe once in this forum. Actually a friend from high school, who used to be a total AFC - meek and weak body language», weak and supplicant submissive frame, always the butt-end of jokes, zero masculinity. I introduced him to the Player's Guide, and most importantly, to the idea that you CAN approach women and do something with them.

He quicklky outpaced me, results-wise.

What does he have going for him?
- shameless: Even as far back as I can remember. Likes to go against the grain. He's the guy who builds rafts by himself, tries it on and nearly drowns when it breaks. Or sprays Axe deodorant on a lighter to create huge flames.

- persistant: one thing he got from this all. Persist. Went on 7 dates or so once, before laying a chick. A chick 9 years older than him. He figured, she keeps accepting his proposals to meet up, she must be into him, just having resistance to the age difference.

- "fuck it all" attitude: mix of everything really; he's the kind of guy who, if you tell him "you can't do that, it's impossible to get the waitress's #!" he'll go and do it, just to prove you wrong. He'll go and approach every chick you point out "damn she's hot" before you even gather the courage to go do it yourself. Even in malls. In women's shoe stores. etc.

The guy has no GAME, no knowledge of influence save a few principles. His main point is effort and unflinching persistence.

#2: Macky. This is the total social-bsaed game guy. I met this guy from the PUA chat, and we became really good friends. Since he was a teen fresh into high school, he was going to parties and getting blowjobs. He's been building up his social circle since then, always rotating the hot chicks, in and out and within the circle. He gets his pick of women (apparently), and they even sometimes get their sisters to fuck him when they get old enough. Or something like that. He's got it all, except for love. lol.

Pure mojo guy. Can cold approach hot chicks too and lay them. Basically has been dealing with hot chicks from such a young age, with success, he's ingrained the base principles and does not even think of them, let alone know much about them. For this reason, I can't learn much from him though I tried. Simply is no use observing him, or trying to get in on his social circle cuz they all want HIM and I ended up being the odd one out LOL.

Also for me, not much I can learn because I don't have the patience or desire to take YEARS to build myself a social circle like his, and manage it to lend me these kinds of results.

Little I get out of it though, is his persistance and his mojo when dealing with chicks. And to ALWAYS have options.

#3: epitome. Guy is a loner. And he's a party. Wherever he goes. Strong frame of mind, and imposes it on others (except me, where it's the other way around usually But we still have loads of fun together). Knows what he wants. Controls the frame and the sexual state, and has very specific screening (due to his bad logistics - parents throwing a fit if he brings girls home). Means his sarging has to be very focused to find the right kind of girl who has a place of her own so he can isolate her there. Has to find that out pretty quickly to avoid wasting his time.

Has got good state control too, bouncing up and down in his moodswings, rather than try to keep an UP state all the time. Persists like a motherfucker, though not as much as Phoenix. Would rather find a fresher chick than keep beating a dead horse over the course of 8 dates.


what do I get out of this? I don't know. Why did I post this? Maybe somebody can get something out of it. For sure I notice some common things: persistence, sexual state, going for it, having a strong frame.

Even though they all do things very differently and have very different goals and things they look for in women (be it having their own place, speaking french, or good LTR values), they all seem to pretty much get there in similar ways, give or take some tactics and spheres of influence they use.

Also seems like they keep things pretty simple; either by focusing in on the ones with the best potential (screening out bad logistics), or by knowing a bare minimum of base principles and going for it, or by keeping going the same train that's been steaming for the past 10 years (ain't broke, don't fix it).

Tells me I'm on the right track too, working in base principles one at a time following some clearly laid-out missions and goals of MASTERY (ie goal is to approach and master a certain approaching technique, not get a certain amount of phone #s using the technique). Probably why, after clearing up a lot of mental clutter in the first half of 2008 (series of posts coming on that soon, probably gonna call em the "2008 journals" or some shit like that), my progress has been quick and amazing.

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