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OK fellas…the first day of college is right around the corner for some of you. Let me impart some knowledge that will get you off to a right start with the ladies and gents.
First, stop listening to any self-help programs. Leave them at home and do not speak about them again for at least 4 years. College kids do not, and should not, have idols like Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy or any so-called PUA.
College kids should have idols like Tim Matheson in “Animal House”, Will Farrel in “Old School”, Bill Murray in “Stripes”, etc. Nobody wants to be around an uptight douche who’s “trying to find his center” or worrying about “giving his power away to females.”
Next, you will stop shaving a few weeks before the start of school so you show up with a scraggly beard. Don’t worry, you can shave it later. After your First Impression.
Now, I am going to assume you are going to live in a dorm. Preferably one of those tall towers like I lived in my freshman year. Hopefully, some poor, pimply-faced kid won’t try to off himself by jumping out the window.
But I digress…
Once everyone has kissed their parents goodbye, and are sitting on their single bed, wringing their hands, and wondering if they’ll ever have time to masturbate, YOU are going to take fuckin’ charge!
Get a hat. Maybe one of those fedoras because you have style. You are going to go door to door with your roomie, and ask for a couple of bucks donations to get a keg tonight. And a bottle of Jack Daniels. I don’t give a shit if you don’t like Jack Daniels. Nobody likes Jack when they are 18 (except me, probs) but you will LEARN to like it. This will scare the fuck out of everyone.
Finally, you will have a party and get girls from the other floors to attend. They will show up because they are afraid they are going to miss out and not look sociable.
Be the center of attention. Make friends with all the guys who are laid back and funny. Don’t worry about gay shit, like if they are “alpha” or “have game.” Instead be REAL. Be fun to be around and not give a shit about impressing people.
Back to the party. At some point, take off your shirt and chug some booze from the bottle. Pass it around and make everyone take a slug. Tease them in a fun way if they don’t want to.
Don’t ignore the ladies. Put your arm around them. Pick them up. Make them do keg stands. Wrestle with them. Get them to yell out the window with you at other dorms about what pussies they are for not being at your party.
Listen…everything you do with be with a smile or laugh. This isn’t about being “mean” or “douching people out.” This is about you being a fun guy and showing people that they can relax because college should be fun.
Make your room the room where people come to hang out. Don’t be the weird guy who always has his door closed. If your room is the “hang out” room, then chicks will want to hang out there too. Get girls to come watch tv in your bed at night. Eventually, you will weed out the best girl for yourself.
Being the leader is about being the one who gets shit going. You are not going to sit around and take a consensus of what people like to do, like some nambly-pambly bitch. People want someone to lead, especially women, no matter what age.
People are not going to follow an asshole, though. At least not for very long. You have to care about these people, even the dorks. You will make them cool by having them hang around you, and you having their back and being a true friend.
Some random thoughts and suggestions:
1. Don’t be cheap. Spend your last penny with your friends.
2. Play a sport. Preferably rugby.
3. Get a job at a bar.
4. Don’t be pretentious or materialistic.
5. Work hard so you can play hard
6. Study what interests YOU. Give it 100%.
7. If you must have a girlfriend, at least make sure she’s cool and likes to party.
8. Get a fun job during the summer. Lifeguard in a beach town worked for me
9. Take a lot of roadtrips to other colleges. Preferably women’s colleges….
10. Lose your inhibitions about always trying to look your best or have people see you in the best light. So what you puked on the couch in the dorm lounge. I don’t give a shit if you have a gut or a ton of acne on your face. If you are fun, and care about people, you will have more friends and get more pussy than the guy who drives his parent’s BMW and has unlimited spending money.
That’s it, men. Post your success stories so I can live vicariously through y’all.