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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “FR: Cementing the ability to approach with ease, and going home - Monday and Tuesday”

Recent post by RagsToRiches, September 25, 2008

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I spent Monday morning by the pool, flirting with everything without a cock. I opened a 4 set of goth girls who I'd seen about for the whole week but never opened before. It was a bad opener, but I recovered.

Rags: "So are you guys real goths or fake goths?"
Goth1: giggle
Goth2: "What the fuck does that mean?"
Rags: "Well the other girls call you the goth girls."
Goth2: "What fucking other girls?"
Rags: "I don't know, I don't like them. How have you guys enjoyed yourself so far?"

My liver was feeling the alcoholism of the past week, so at 8pm I was sat in the hotel bar drinking a fruit cocktail when two of the girls from my hotel walk past. HBCheerleader and HBshoulders. They invite me out with them... I'm not really up for it, but whatever I go.

While we're walking to a bar they tell me that they are basically cock teasers and they came on holiday to learn how to hone their cock teaseing skills. I was impressed, these girls are like the female opposites of PUAs. But I liked them and I got on with them.

We got to the bar and they started flirting with the promoter. Well I'll be fucked if I'm just going to stand there. I walzed into the bar, straight up to the hottest 2 set in the place, straight in-between them piercing...

Rags: "Hey, it's not very busy tonight is it?"
HBafrica: "Bla bla bla"

We vibe for a bit and then

HBAfrica: "So, what do you do?"
Rags: "Well... I don't kknow how to say it which makes it sound cool. How about I tell you, and then afterwards you tell mke how to make it sound cooler."

I tell them what I do.

HBAfrica: "That sounds cool."
Rags: "How do I make it sound cooler?"
HbAfrica: "Hmmmmmmmm"
Rags: "What do you do?"
HbAfrica: "I'm in sales"
Rags: "Ohhh, What do you sell?"
HbAfrica: "People!" laughs
Rags: "Recruitment Ahhh."

Soon after that I eject and go to another bar and repeat the whole process. Then I do it again in another bar. I'm not even running the bar any more, I'm just bar hopping and approaching and engaging the hottest girls in the place for 15 minutes.

I end up back at my hotel bar, where I do the rounds and talk to every set in the whole bar, before finally heading to bed.

The next morning I get up and repeat that process but in the day-time.

Waiting for the coach to take me to the airport home I decide to open a couple of girls to show off to some of the people who I've been in the hotel with. I open HBcuteginger and HBuglybrunette and chat with them for 15-20 mins.

Then I eject, Go to high five the alpha male» of our hotel. Who does so, and then laughs at me, tells me that the brunette was a transexual, and starts trying to AMOG me like crazy.

I don't react.

He yells it again, and tells me to go look at "his" adam's apple.

I don't react.

This carries on for about 10 minutes, infront of everyone, and as it carries on and more and more I don't react at all, less and less people laugh, until finally this guy feels like a moron and starts apologising.

"Hey hey I'm sorry man. It could happen to anyone. Actually I thought they were both hot to start with, and you wouldn't have been able to see from that angle, bla bla bla."

I was kind of impressed with myself for becomming so unreactive.

Then on my flight home something really trippy happened. I made EC with the air hostest, got a massive IOI, and communicated in hand gestures for her to suck my cock. And I saw her think about it, and then get embarrssed, and then avoid me for the rest of the flight.

I don't know how I did that, or how she understood, but she did.

I ended off the whole thing by approaching every set of girls who crossed my path when I got to the airport back home.

And I did non-verbal flirting with chicks on the train, in-front of everyone else around us who was obvious to it. I got hard and I could see this chick was turned on too. If I can perfect this skill-set I'll be able to turn these situations into lays.

And that's that, holiday over.

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