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PU is tricky, because it has a tendency to make people start THINKING. And thinking itself, is the barrier that sometimes cuts people off from having sex.
===Sidenote start===
Idiots (me included) from masf-past, assumed that the brain is a positive tool in PU. So we went on search for that THING that would make the brain HELPFUL in PU.. ANALOGY: Searching for the software that will make a standard PC run UNDER WATER. ..in this ghost chase, many silly names were introduced.. INNER GAME» (bogus) or STATE (misleading) or CONFIDENCE (misconception).. all the time, trying to tell ourself that we need to find that 'correct way' to think during sarges. Lots of guys realize this now; when intellect is de-railed, horniness and sexual trancing creeps in and TAKES OVER CONTROL, turning you into a heat seeking missile that automatically does the IDEAL things for making sex happen. For this reason, its annoying for some when guys post stuff that shortcuts back to the old misconceptions. So, keep this in mind when posting. Even the most respected names in PU have posted some horrible bullshit at one time or another. ENTIRE MASF has been running in USELESS DIRECTIONS at times. Try to be part of the EVOLUTION towards better things whenever you post. Especially important IMO: Practical conclusions (Do this..)
===Sidenote end===
So if she starts acting positivly towards you, its a great time to speak less and just relax in her presence, rather than trying to 'game' her. This is where the ease of PU will show itself, and all the trickiness will be gone.
I want you to carry this AWARENESS that thinking stands BETWEEN you and sex, but in a RELAXED WAY. Thinking now and then is FINE. No need for freaking out if you catch yourself analyzing situations during sarges.
From now on you possess the lingering awareness that when the brain goes "What to do now?? How can I make XYZ happen??" the answer is nearly always:
Draw deeeeeeeep breeeath - relaaaaaxed yaaawny streeeeeech - smiiiile (or something very similar)
..and then tuning into the lingering rhythm of your desires.. and slowly start moving to that beat (lol!) at a pace that feels comfortable! Submerge into that sea of vibes, and the PC(brain) will stop fucking with you.