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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Really Smooth Escalations”

Recent post by Sleazy, January 11, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

I have recently commented on the “FR+: Wanted to fuck girl in Starbucks washroom” by D-Boy. One of the points I have raised was his unrefined understanding of escalating. The following may be basic knowledge for most, but I have a suspicion that it may be news for quite a few.

Escalations have the point of getting you to have sex with the girls. If you don’t escalate, your only hope is that the girl does, which will hardly ever happen, because it is just not their nature to do so. If the girl is already into you, then it is really hard for you to mess things up. However, oftentimes you will encounter only mild interest, in which case it is important to escalate properly. In my experience, the best way to escalate is done with “smooth escalations”, which takes into account the reactions of the female. For instance, a newbie might do the following:

(EDIT: The formatting is a bit messed up. Read it as a table. The first column contains the female's reaction, and the second the male's reactions, which happen in response to the former.)

female / male
pulls you in / pull
pull / pull
pushes you away / pull
push / pull
push / pull

...which of course leads to a blowout pretty quickly, even if the girl has a high level of initial interest. The “tacky club make out guy” is a prime candidate for committing this cardinal sin of escalating. D-Boy, in his FR, did something similar. He did not completely disregard the female’s input, but he made the grave mistake of aggressively escalating off her pushes (!) and disregarding her pulls. An intermediate student might have heard of “Push & Pull” and have an understanding of its main idea, i.e., he rewards her positive behaviour with a pull, and a negative with a push. “Push & Pull”, however, does not have to be random. It works great this way and will help you getting laid from “slow game”. All you online and daygame PUAs, stop reading right now. The following is probably of no use for you, because the next part was written with club guys and “fast layers”, or guys working towards that goal, in mind. It will describe how “Push & Pull” can be used with better precision.

So far, everything this post said was hopefully basic and known to everyone who read it. The next bit is a bit more advanced. I’ll introduce the term “smooth escalation”. It has two elements. First, you take the female’s reaction into account. If she has a high level of interest, then you can go far in no time. Ever wondered how on earth I can get makeouts more or less instantly, or handjobs in less than ten minutes? This is an attempt to explain how:

female / male
pull / pull
pull / pull
push / push (or mini-takeaway)
pull / minor pull
pull / hard pull

...and so on and so forth.

The principle is still to reward her behaviour or punish her if she does not comply. However, the escalation is based upon her pulls. If she pulls, you can do a mini-takeaway to pump her BT even more, and when she goes in for another pull, you pull hard, for example shoving her hand down your pants.

The second notion is one of “measurement”. You don’t always pull completely or push completely. Instead, there are vast differences in the intensity. For instance, you can make use of “mini-takeaways”, which can be very subtle things.If you were touching her with your whole hand, then you don’t completely back off, but loosen the grip, remove the palm so that only your fingertips are touching her or something like this.

An example for this is:

female / male
pull (60%) / pull (40%)
-- the relative notions are important. Go into the field and observe how the female’s reaction changes depending on the gravity of your pushes and pulls, especially in relations to her pushes and pulls

pull (70%) / pull (80%)
-- the female pulls more, so you can exploit this to pull even more, e.g. soft makeout v hard makeout

pull (80) / pull (80)
push (70) / push (60)
-- the female has had enough validation for the moment, so she pushes you away, but you keep your arm around her waist

You then proceed by building sexual tension, so you gaze into her eyes and hover with your lips in front of hers for a moment, then, you turn her head with a swift grip of thumb and index finger. Now, you put your lower lip on her cheek and move it upwards, so that she feels some of the saliva. The female has to release sexual tension afterwards, so she goes in again, and tries to tongue you down:

pull (100) /push (50)

You dodge her mouth, and playfully dance away from her. She comes after you. Being a sleazy» bastard, you are already in the corner of the dance floor. She walks toward you, strutting her stuff. As she moves seductively in front of you, you slowly get hard. You grab her belt and pull her in. You have pulled her in so forcefully that she almost lost balance (pull: 90). She takes this as a good excuse to press her tits hard against your chest. Your intuition tells you that she is already really wet. Again, she tries to initiate a make out. Since she is already pressing her body against yours, she does not feel the need to tongue you down forcefully, but initiates a more romantic kiss:

pull (70) / pull (30)
-- ...but you only give her a few pecks on her lips. At the same time you start guiding her hands over your body. As you put it on your crotch, she starts rubbing your cock, ...

I hope this is enough to illustrate the main idea. Without sufficient field experience, especially in night clubs, you will probably have no idea what I am trying to say. But it is my hope that people who are into sexual tension/fast escalation will find some value in this post.


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