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Original discussion thread: http://fastseduction.com/discussion/fs?action=9&boardid=2&read=91188&fid=23
You can read some mini-FR on the impact it had on a "relationship“ as an answer within his thread.
First, on the one hand S+A completely matches my thinking of "everything in life should be, and can be, simple> If a concept is not simple it's just not good enough yet.“
Second, Ciaran writes: "You're not making a 'Statement of Interest.' You're not making a 'Statement Of Intent.' You're stating your DESIRE.“ Nate M commented "[...] it shows off your true manly desires. [...]“
So the first insight was basically the following:
TheLetter put it in a great way, when he said in the chat: "You know it's like poker in a way – if you aren't caught bluffing sometimes, you aren't bluffing enough!“
That's so true. I encourage everybody reading this to check if he gets enough failures. If you don't you are probably not calibrated perfectly, but there are chances you are calibrated too low/high (however you wanna put it).
So you get out of the matrix - you start seeing it.
Now I am the guy who is willing to take immediate pain if it means immediate chance to learn – you know you only got so much time on earth. So here's my FR from what happened after I left the chat yesterday: "LR: Do it quicker – your PICKUP; Do it harder – your SEX;" ( http://www.fastseduction.com/discussion/fs?action=9&fid=24&read=91187 )
You are, in fact, creating your own world. And I get the impression that the feeling of "I can fuck you anyways tonight“ which I meantioned here: "LR: BAFC, chick and DICE (no goat included)“ ( http://www.fastseduction.com/discussion/fs?action=9&fid=24&read=89603 ) is not some truth I RECEIVE, but a vibe that's so strong a girl would simply comply to it. All I have to do now is generate that feeling on-the-fly as I need it.
This weekend I bumped into 60's post "THE HORNY NEXT (The WBAFC Hail Mary)“:
Anyways looking up S+A on the net and reading two texts from PUA Ciaran changed my complete perception on the whole PUA topic:
What I love so much about that is, that
1.What you state is the truth
2.I absolutely fine being who I am and have people find their own way to "cope“ with that - so that fit's me perfectly
Since I started of with Mysterys material (which is still an accomplishment I very much admire) I had the "Don't ever compliment her on her looks“-thinking in me. It's worthy at the beginning because you train yourself to not be too excited about her looks by doing so, but on the other hand I did it because I didn't want to "empower“ a girl. I subconsciously actually tried to hold them lower than I held myself. How's one to attract a girl while looking down on her? It works, but it's not a "giving“ way of doing so. Also it seems you get to miss good opportunities that way. If I find a girl HOT that's also "just me“ and therefore simply as okay to state as "I am thirsty“.
Deriving from the mentioned insight I had a great night out in the club and I realised one important thing: I thought I was perfectly calibrated because I ALWAYS knew when I could go with the flow and achieve what I want.
'Course that's true: If you ONLY TRY when you're 100 % sure you'll get confirmed you are right. What I did NOT see was that I simply DID NOT SEE those thousand other possibilities. There were LOADS more chances than I ever saw! It was like seeing some crumbles when actually life handed me bread ... and I said THANK YOU SO MUCH, THOSE ARE GREAT TO HAVE!
Imagine it like that: Think the matrix would build a matrix within the matrix ... [yeah take some time ]
You start to believe you "got it“ - NOW you finally know it.
While actually – you are only on the 2nd level matrix. You are still not out in the real world. You're still caught, but the level of "freedom“ you percept has somehow risen. OFC one can play on that game forever but at some point you simply KNOW you are on the right track.