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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Recovering AFC log 1”

Recent post by HighSeas, March 26, 2009

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Hello Fast Seduction,

This is a long post, mostly for my own benefit.

I've been pouring over the player's guide, and spent a good chunk of today working on my game.

My goal was to approach and chat with at least one woman today (fail), as well as use Shade's eye contact strategies with every attractive woman I come across (success).

Here are my results, my thoughts, and my plans for tomorrow.

I am currently in a city quite far from home on a business trip. I'm quite busy, and don't have much time, but I've fit in quite a bit through the day.

Morning - bus to work.

There were two HB8 on the bus. Situationally, it was kind of difficult. Packed bus, earbuds-in. I, however, should have said hello, at least. So this is a Fail on my part, cause of pussyfication. The best thing to do would have been to say hello in the first few seconds (3 second rule, duh), before earbuds are in and awkwardness sets in.

Lesson noted.

There was one HB staffing the convention. However, I seem to have a block in dealing with people who are "on the job". I later saw a convention member chatting her up, and it occured to me how idiotic it was letting this block me. 3 second rule and chat. Fail due to pussyfication.

Unfortunately, the ratio of men/women is 95/5 and I had no opportunities during the day to approach any other HBs. During some of the crowded moments I practiced Shades' eye contact tricks, but had no response. Crowded fast moving sausage conventions are clearly not ideal for PU.

After the convention, I was sitting on bench relaxing, and spotted a HB6 walking by. I figured what the hell - I'd fuck her, and moved to intercept. She was talking with a friend, and I wimped out on the set. I was in front of her, guessed she was headed to the bookstore, and went there. She was headed there. I then lurked around, trying to open, but failed. Fail due to pussification. Next time, obey the clear 3 second rule.

Walked home to try to find more sets. Walked through a park, and got a great "hi" response from the shade eye-contact tricks.

Small as it may seem, this is a real success for me. I've been practicing this eye contact for a couple weeks now, and it is finally feeling natural, and to see it work so perfectly is great payoff.

The woman was jogging with her dog. I'm not sure how I could have taken this further, even looking back.

Walked through a pair of coffee shops, no good sets. Went home, ate, showered, went out again. No good sets in the coffee shops again. Decided to look for the bars. Was walking behind a gaggle of 6 older HB5-8 women. Unfortunatly they noticed me, and so I didn't pursue them into the bar out of fear of seeming like a stalker. Will check out the bar they hit up tomorrow.

Tired, sleep now.

The other thing i'm not happy with, is I'm m finding thinking about PU is taking up all my time and mental energy. I don't want this to be an obsession. I am here on work that I care about and that pays my bills. Am going to have to regulate my time and energy better.

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