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Something to think about.
I know 3 guys who are Thinkers. They intellectualize a lot, and had to learn pickup formally via the community. One of them is me.
I know 3 guys who are Feelers. They run mainly on instinct, and all 3 are incredible with women, and always have been.
The Thinkers all have trouble getting an erection with a new girl (yes, I eat a lot of Viagra). The Feelers all have zero trouble getting an erection, no matter how drunk they are.
The difference between the Thinkers and the Feelers is that the Feelers are living life more in their BODY, while the Thinkers are living life more in their HEADS.
The Feelers pay attention to the sensations in their bodies. They know when to get close to the girl and when to do kino, because they FEEL it in their bodies. Your body is a powerful resource and can tell you many things in pickup, including a) Which girls like you/which are compatible with you and therefore which ones to approach, and b) How and when to escalate.
The Thinkers are intellectualizing what is happening instead of going with what their body is telling them. This is why they need things like kino guides - they are delegating all jobs to their thinking mind where they don't belong.
If you want to get inside your body more, focus on your breathing, then imagine your awareness moving into your body. Your arms will suddenly feel stronger and your posture will improve. Also, when you find compatible girls, if you are inside your body, you will get that chemical "drop" of lust hormones. That is what Cosy calls "dark drenching pleasure."
Anyway this is the route I'm going down now, in order to reduce my dependence on drugs for pickup.
Drugs work so well for me because they do all of this for me. But it really shouldn't be that hard to do without them.