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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Difference between a 'date' and a 'day2', or 'what do I do on a day2?'”

Recent post by ockwick, July 3, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

Ok, been rereading some Maniac High and some RJ today, and I synthesized a few ideas here.

First, I sometimes get the impression that when joining the community people become afraid of the word "date" after reading some material.. And substitute it with "day2". But they still set it up, frame it and act on it like it was a date... Woops!

What are the REAL differences though between a date and a day2, beyond the words? (date-oo... sounds a lot like date? lol)

Well on a date, things are generally framed as the guy (suitor) proving himself to the girl (prize); bad start eh? Add to that all the rules and regulations that go with dating/courting... And it becomes almost a battle of you (wants to get laid) vs her (wants to be courted). Yuck.

A date is also typically a meeting where an EXTEERIOR event is the main course, such as a dinner, movie, art, etc. The focus becomes even more removed from the dynamics between you and the woman, so much so that the whole getting laid plan goes right out the window...

What is a day2???

Ideally, a day2 should end in a lay that's how the term got coined, "a day2 lay" vs "a same-day lay". Things aren'T always ideal though... So what is a day2?????????

It is a meeting, of course. But the meeting is quite different from the typical courting game that is STACKED AGAINST YOU!

A day2 has an objective: and the objective is simple, it is to lay her, or at the very least prime her, get her ready to get fucked shitless the next time you meet...

As such, the focus is on you and her... And the emotions and states you are going through. Not on the food. Not on mindless entertainment.

That's why "what to do on a day2?" is such a strange question.. Because of course, what you should be doing on a day is.. priming her to get laid! Figure out where she's at right now, mentally, and amp her up, get her more comfortable, get her liking the idea of sex with you, get her horny, what ever it is she needs to FEEL, whatever she needs to go through mentally before getting laid..

That's what you do on a day2. That's how a day2 differs from a date. Now you see that where you take her and what you do with her is really inconsequential, in fact it can be detrimental! So the less you do, the better...

And hey, if you offer her nothing but your presence, you at least know she fuckin wants to be in your presence... While if you offer her a romantic expensive dinner and movie, guess what, you don't know if she's there for the free ride or for you.. Even if she's not into you, she'll take it.

So there you have it. Do your day2s correctly from now on, and I better not see any more of these "where do I take her?" questions...

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