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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Not giving versus giving and taking away”

Recent post by Chopan, July 15, 2009

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This is a sort of followup on some of the stuff I have been posting on my slow seduction thread and "be cool" thread, explaining how I have a bunch of SHB's chasing me. In "be cool" I explained how controlling her emotions was important. Here is another thing I have realized I do. It has been working great for me, but I am telling you guys now that it is unconventional.

Standard PUA practice is to "not give". To always keep her wanting a bit more than you are giving her. Time, commitment, feedback and for me, even sex. This always alleviated any tendencies by them to assume that they "had" me, and all the negative shit that comes along with it. They always have to really watch their shit around me because they know the exit door is not far from their ass. Works well, and I think a lot of guys already know this concept well.

Then I started experimenting with actually giving them what they want, letting them make their mistakes, and then pulling the rug out from under them for it. This happened because I had so many women around that I truly didn't give a shit anymore. I didn't have any patience. I figured if she walks, she walks. Who cares. Metaphorically speaking, she would say "I want you", and instead of saying "No, you can't have me" or "you can have only this much", I would at some point just say "Fine, let's do it" and give her more time, energy and commitment than I normally would... all in a very short amount of time. I would douse her in attention. Just like clockwork, their chickness kicks in, they start to act up, and run their typical girl bullshit. Now I intentionally let just enough of it go... You know... AFC style... KNOWING FULL WELL she is about to fuck up. Let her fuck up. This is what you want. Then I would setup a talk, and say "I'm sorry but it's not working out for me and here is why"... tell her all these legit reasons, and just drop the axe. Boom. Cold, hard drop.

Now what she had was a state of shock, because she never expected me to drop her like that. Things were still good. She feels some self-doubt because she clearly realizes her less than ideal behavior. In every case so far, she starts to chase, hard. Now seeing other women and not giving her much time is shit she brought onto herself. I let her beg 4, 5, 6 times to see me. Then I say OK, just one time. She usually shows up wearing the sexiest outfit she can find on the planet. She's ready to fuck me 6 times that one night. I take her out, ROCK the fucking night. The sex is fantastic (you gotta get this part right). She is mezmerized. "Oh my God how did I fuck this up" running through her head. It builds massive attraction, stronger than ever. She wants more but now "Chopan is not sure"... She becomes one of the SHB's that I have chasing after me for a long long time.

So here I am using a bit of AFC behavior to help me, whereas how I think a lot of guys are, is rock hard PUA style. Too inflexible.

Comments are welcome.

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