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I say this wasn't a full on threesome, because I didn't get to fuck my girl's friend like I wanted to, but we all did some cool stuff together that I never did before!!! So it was the closest thing to a threesome for me yet.

Ok, so before the night even started my girl invited me to come hang out at her friend's house. She told me that this friend of hers is really wild, and that the two of them, when together, are very crazy....I took this as a hint that a threesome was definately a possibility.

So we go over to her friend's house, and there's a few people chilling there sitting around the fire a drinkin beers. I meet her friend, and she is pretty hot! Her friend was married, and her husband was there. He was a pretty cool guy as well. Aside from them, there was about 5 other people there hangin out.

The night goes on, and we're all just chillin, drinkin, talkin, and having a good time. At one point in the night, my girl's friend, I'll just call her HBfriend, breaks out the bottle of tequila. I can't drink that shit anymore, because...well I just can't. But I also can't turn down free shots, so I take shots with everyone ....

To make a long story short, it gets to the point where it's just me, my girl, HBfriend, and HBfriend's husband chilling in the house. Everyone else is outside. Me and my girl are in the kitchen, and the other two are in the living room sitting on the couch, which is right next to the kitchen and in plain view. I just start making out with mine, and within a matter of minutes I have her pants down around her ankles. Keep in mind, the other 2 are in plain view of us. HBfriend sees this, and she comes into the kitchen to check out what's going on. She sees that my girl has her panties down around her ankles, and I'm playing with my girl's pussy. HBfriend immediately gets down on her knees and starts eating my girl out . YES!!!! I figured it was on at that point.

So that goes on for a few minutes, and I tell HBfriend's husband to get his ass in the kitchen to check this shit out. His wife is eating my girl's snatch. Well, he comes in, but he didn't seem to really give a shit. He wasn't really all that into it....whatever.

Now, after a little while, the "plan" was for us to swap partners (the girls discussed this plan, not me). HBfriend wanted to fuck me, and HBfriend's husband was going to bang my girl....Well, he wasn't down with that . That sucks.

So after another few minutes go by, HBfriend is back to sitting on the couch with her husband, and I'm in the kitchen with my girl again. I look over to see what they are doing, and it looks like HBfriend is trying to talk her husband into something, but he is not interested at all. I just said "fuck it", and I turn back around to my girl, and I throw her up onto the counter, and pull her panties back down again....

She tried to stop me, and say "no we can't...not here", but with the slightest bit of persistance, I had her panties off, and I was fucking her on the counter in front of the other two. I have always had this fantasy about having another chick watch me have sex. I don't know what it is about that, but it really turns me on. It never happened to me before, and this was the first time it finally did!

So as I'm fucking my girl in the kitchen, I look over to see what HBfriend is up to. I think she is blowing her husband but I'm not sure. She said something like, "Let's see which one of them cums first", so I guess she was. I was so turned on by the fact that HBfriend was right there while I was fucking, that it may have been me who came first, lol.

Anyway, a few minutes later HBfriend comes into the kitchen as I'm fucking my girl. I was about to shoot it right there, because this hot chick was watching my bang my girl, and the horniness in her eyes was making my just wanna blow it all over the two of them!!! But I held out by slowing down. HBfriend comes in and starts playing with my balls and rubbing my girl's clit...This was fucking hot.

So the whole time HBfriend's husband was not down at all. He was just sitting on the couch. I guess he was pissed, but I didn't really care. I told him that he should get over here and check this shit out just out of curtesy, but he wasn't down....whatever.

We then moved it to the bedroom, where HBfriend immediately goes to town on my girl. She's lickin the shit out of that pussy, and my girl is moaning like crazy. I just jumped on the bed, and had my girl blow me while it's going on. HBfriend's husband comes into the room to see what's going on, (I guess to make sure I'm not banging his wife), and he just shuts the door, leaving the 3 of us in there alone. Nice!

Well this goes on for about 10 more minutes - HBfriend eating my girl out, while she blows me. I wanted to shoot it all over my girl while HBfriend was watching, but I didn't get a chance to. I guess she felt bad for her husband, so after my girl came, she went back out to be with him. I just finished myself off by fucking my girl on the bed for a few more minutes, and we then went back to join the party...

The rest of the time, HBfriend just had this super horny look in her eye. I really would have liked to have banged her, but her damn husband was cockblocking me. What a dick.

So that was that. It basically just came down to me fucking my girl while other people were there in the room. Since I knew HBfriend was "crazy" beforehand, I didn't see that as being a problem. Apparently, she didn't either!

Next time, I'm going to fuck HBfriend...

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