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"Hey someone just handed me this drink, and it tastes a little funny. I think it might have a roofie in it. Can you drink some of it to test it out for me?"
SHIRT Routine
Say "What do you think about my Shirt? (It can be any piece of clothing)
then say "I got 25 compliments on it Today! (small pause) From 1 person.
PUA - Will you come to the prom with me?
Then you can keep playing with this. Ask her what color dress she is going to wear.
The next time you talk to her you can continue you where you left off or text her and say "Are you excited for the Prom?"
All of these have been tested 30 times of more, not only by me, but also by people who are still learning.
Here's an opener that only works on hot chicks.
This one is crazy. hot girls LOVE IT.
Average girls will hate you forever and yell at you on the spot.
(longer pause) MY MOM"
Prom routine
HB - She lights up and says YES!
PUA - Cool, my dad said he will even get us a limo. And the next day were going to SIX FLAGS!