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Recent post by Michelangelo, January 24, 2010

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Original discussion thread:

This is the last thread in the trilogy, and I'll try to make this one the most useful for real-world growth. The past two have been almost completely philosophy and abstract ideas, I imagine many posters couldn't relate to some of the abstract ideas I was trying to put forward. I'll make this thread detailed, with as much real world examples and ideas. When I first started reading this forum, I'd stumble upon these strange threads and have no idea what was going on. I'll try to make this post as valuable to beginners as it is to the most advanced guys.

Part I:

Part II:
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"Is it ever gunna be enough?"

Since the last thread, my life has changed completely. Started school, started a job, very busy, trying to fit in "dates" when I can. I'm very satisfied with everything, and I'm really looking forward to another adventure down under in May!

I was inspired to make this third and final thread after I saw something on the train the other day. Here's the situation:
It's winter in Canada. January in is pretty much the coldest month. Here in Calgary we were having a chinook, which is a strange weather phenomenon where there are usually warm temperatures during winter for a few days at a time. During this time it was about +10 celcius and sunny, which is awesome for Jan.

So anyway I'm on the commuter train here in the city, and it's rush hour. I just finished a long day at school, I'm excited to get home. I'm standing at the end of the train and start looking around. I go from one face to the next, looking around. I see guys in thousand dollar suits, women carrying designer handbags. These are the people who work downtown in the big office buildings. Then I realize something. Everyone looks so sad! They all look tired and sad and completely unsatisfied with their lives! Nobody was talking to each other, nobody was smiling. The weather outside was beautiful, these people were going home to their nice suburban homes, and they all looked completely defeated.

Put your life into perspective for a second. How tough do these suburban office workers really have it? Would you rather be living in Haiti on the street in a tent, slowly dying of malnutrition and dehydration?

So that's the theme song for this thread. Is it ever gunna be enough? Will these people EVER be satisfied? We've created this funny society based on strange status symbols like cars and houses and designer clothes, but once we buy them we still feel empty inside.

What Jersey Shore taught me about life:
I love JS. It was one of the most entertaining shows I've seen in a while. If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out. A bunch of guidos live in a house on the Jersey shore, and many adventures ensue. The show is an interesting study in male behaviour and social hierarchy.

It took a few episodes for me to figure out who was really the man of the house. These guys are all physically intimidating, they're big and on steroids, so what really separated them from each other was confidence, belief in themselves, and their attitude.

Mike, "the situation", is a self proclaimed ladies man and self proclaimed man of the house. He defines himself by the amount of women he brings home to the house. He's loud, a big talker, often gets into arguments with roommates and often feels the need to display his so called dominance. He reminds me a lot of a typical PUA. He feels the need to display his dominance and alphaness, needing to prove himself to others.

At first "the situation" seemed like the big player of the house but soon lost his girl to another housemate named Ronnie. Ronnie stole Mike's girl and tension was building between the two over the girl, it seemed as though they were trying to out alpha each other. Ronnie came out on top and was now the alpha male».

But wait! Almost as soon as they got together, Ronnie and the chick started fighting. Their relationship was built on insecurity, they had to spend every second together at the clubs, and they were both extremely jealous. During the reunion show, Ronnie got jealous again and they were fighting yet again. Ronnie was also out of control, couldn't control his emotions, was often angry for no reason, and even got arrested for fighting. Typical angry jealous loser.

So if these two alpha males who fought over the girl weren't in control, then who was!?!

And then came along Pauly D. A 29 year old DJ guido with lame tattoos and typical spikey guido hair. When he was first introduced I thought I'd hate him. Pauly came in under the radar, and while Mike and Ronnie were busy fighting over one girl, Pauly hooked up with the hotter girl. He turned out to be the coolest of the group. Not only did he hook up with the hottest roommate and didn't cause any drama, he was friends with every housemate and everyone love partying with him. He was everyone's wingman, brought home hot girls nightly, and even had a crazy stalker. He didn't have the big player ego, even though he had the hottest girls. Pauly D's quiet confidence was in contrast to Mike's loud arrogance.

I mention Jersey Shore because it is a great study of different male characters. Most pickup artists come across like Mike, self promoting, and basing their value on how many girls the sleep with. A very revealing scene occurred during the finale when Mike was trying to get a date for the last night, and desperately called all the numbers he had, but came up empty handed. For the player type, quantity isn't a problem, but quality is.

Instead be like Pauly D. Be fun, bring people together, don't feel the need to overcompensate. Pauly D didn't talk about how many girls he banged or how big of a pimp he was because it was no big deal and meetings girls was common.

The common evolution I see is Ronnie> Mike> Pauly. Guys start out as insecure jealous losers, then try to overcompensate and base their entire value on being a player, then finally they realize that meeting and fucking hot girls is no big deal, its just something that happens. Notice the shift in perspective that I mentioned in the previous threads.

-At first we join the site because we wanna fuck hot girls to feel better about ourselves
-Then we start fucking hot girls and feel good about ourselves, and base our self on the fact that we are fucking hot girls
-Then we start to question the fact that we need to fuck hot girls to feel good about ourselves
-And then finally fucking hot girls is just a side effect of having a fun and awesome life.

So no matter what level you're currently at, just try to evolve to the next perspective.

Fucking hot girls will no longer be the goal, but instead just a natural side effect

I said that I would make this thread real-world intensive, and I won't lie. Here are some ways to make banging hotties a side effect of an awesome life.

ºGet a hobby. Do something fun and exciting for yourself, not because other people say its cool. Learn how to fly a plane, learn a new language, workout, do yoga, read a book, learn something new. Just recently I started painting again. There is no better feeling than spending hours and creating something beautiful out of nothing with your own hands.
ºGo on an adventure. Go to a new continent by yourself. Do something so drastic that you put yourself out of your comfort zone completely. Book a trip and then just go with it and see what happens!
ºAs you get more and more busy with women in your life, save time for your friends, keep going out with them, keep going on adventures. Bros before hos.
ºPut yourself on the line. Take chances and risks. Ask a stranger if they want to be friends. Tell the next girl you talk to your most embarrassing secret. Nothing to hide, be real with yourself and others.
ºBe a positive influence on people rather than negative influence. Be cool, be fun, be outgoing, connect other people. Don't be manipulative, don't be shady, don't be an insecure loser.
ºMost importantly, have fun and enjoy yourself. Instead of having the "life is tough, I'm a victim" perspective, always remember that life is beautiful. You truly never know when it will all end, so enjoy yourself. Most of our first world problems are no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Next time you complain about some insignificant bullshit, be happy that you're not a Haitian orphan sleeping in a tent on the street surrounded by dead bodies and dying of malnutrition and disease.

By now you've accepted the fact that you can alter your perspective. They call this a paradigm shift, it's the only thing I remember from my Philosophy of Science class! We forget that at one time scientists believed the world was flat and the earth was the centre of the universe. Freedom truly is believing that you can change the way you look at the world. The geniuses of science and mathematics were brilliant because they viewed the world in a entirely new way. Physics was a very different game once Einstein arrived on the scene. Change the basic assumptions within your worldview. You can choose to live life as a victim, or you can choose to be happy and free. It's up to you.

Don't be one of those guys who puts in tons of effort but then just gives up and quits after a while. Becoming a man is something worth pursuing and putting in the effort to follow through to the end.

Having a rewarding and happy life is priceless.

If you are truly ready to take the plunge, then I have a hell of a challenge for you. I did this whole adventure over the period of a few years. I wouldn't take anything back, but I'll help you guys save some time and learn from my successes and mistakes. Most of these ideas were taken from various PUA websites, props to those who thought of them!

Real Man Challenge

1) Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Challenge

Goal- Become a positive person, make others feel good about themselves.

Challenge- Give a compliment to every single person you talk to. Tell the bartender that he has a cool tattoo, tell the old grandma that you love her cute glasses. Find something positive and and genuine about every single person you meet and tell them it.

2) Put Yourself Out There Challenge

Goal- Don't be afraid of what people think of you, learn to let go and destroy your ego.

Challenge- Spend an entire night at a bar telling hot women a deep dark secret. Tell the how old you were when you lost your virginity. Tell them any strange quirks or weird things you do.

3) Pickup Girls For Your Friends Challenge

Goal- Solidify friendships, give value

Challenge- Spend all night introducing hot chicks to your friends. The goal of the night is to help your friends meet hotties, you must spend all night bringing hotties to them. You'll be like a hottie butler.

4) Celibacy Challenge

Goal- Once you have women in your life, learn to live without needing sex and approval from women.

Challenge- One month, no sex. You still must continue with your regular social life.

5) Let Go Of Everything Challenge

Goal- Get completely outside your comfort zone

Challenge- Book an adventure to another to another country or continent, go by yourself and see what happens. If you are an experienced traveler, go to a foreign non-English speaking country which you've never been to. Book the trip now and worry about the details later.

Do all of these challenges again and again until you meet the goals. I've done all of them and they will all help you tremendously.

This is the end of this series. I felt passionate just writing it! I hope you guys get as much enjoyment out of reading it as I did out of writing it. I seriously do recommend doing this epic Real Man Challenge. You'll never learn how to swim by reading books, you need to jump into the water and try it yourself.

Keep it cool

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