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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Different types of alpha male - conclusion”

Recent post by Vexxor, February 10, 2010

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Ok, I'm sick of hearing words "alpha male»" being thrown around. It's been overused and misused in every possible context. It's used to portray any kind of person from jocks to successful businessmen to lone wolves.

TD wrote an article a few years back about common "alpha" traits:

I personally massively disagree with this. This behavior screams "I'm an arrogant asshole". Tyler himself admitted he created this particular model after frat jocks in college.

Ok, some points are true, such as speaking slowly; but the rest of them like ignoring people, amoging people, degrading people; are pure rubbish. Like I said, he modeled this after arrogant college guys, and a lot of community guys were socially inadequate geeks/nerds in the childhood, so they automatically assume that any kind of bullyish and arrogant behavior is "alpha".

Guys who act like this, their actions reek of insecurity and scream "I'm a sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder". Many psychiatrists have acknowledged the fact that narcissists usually attract women easily, and it's true, some women are attracted to lack of empathy in guys and sociopathic behavior (just ask any shrink or social worker about domestic violence cases, or "victim" females who always end up with an asshole). There is absolutely nothing alpha about this kind of person, short of, perhaps the fact that they can get laid now and then, and they're surrounded by exactly the same type of people. We might as well call them "bad alphas", but there aren't many true alpha traits in those people.

Good alphas are the opposite. They don't lead with fear of exclusion and by making people supplicate to them. They don't require people to worship them and fear them. They seduce with positive charm and by sharing their value with other people, instead of taking value from people.

Think any charming alpha guy you know. Think George Clooney in his every movie. Think Sean Connery. I was talking with 3 chicks in a bar a few days ago, and although they're all 20-22, they said they'd still fuck Clooney and Connery if they could (although these guys are getting old, Sean is nearly 80 I think). Why don't they fuck Vin Diesel instead?

Imagine Clooney. He looks women deep in the eyes, cracks a huge smile, says something charming and humorous and then seduces them. He allows them to talk for ages. He just looks in their eyes, eyefucking them, smiling.

Personally, I believe everyone deserves a nice treatment from me until they prove otherwise. I'm a nice guy to people. Although I'm a bit of a lone wolf, I do love to listen to people, hear their life stories, hear what they have to say. Every person is unique and you can learn something new from everyone.

To women, I am never less than polite. I never neg. I charm by telling funny stories, sex stories, various anecdotes, I engage them in interesting discussions, all while letting them know I find them really hot and that they're invited to share some amazing sexual experiences with me. Women are impressed by humor because it signals intelligence (cr. Chopan), and nothing is sexier for a woman than a guy who is intelligent and good in bed at the same time.

This doesn't mean you should allow disrespect. Disrespect means instant kick to the curb for anyone who does it, both men and women. But until then, don't treat people like a piece of shit.

As for "alphas" in TD post, when I meet guys like this, I remove them from my life immediately and make sure I limit my communication with them. I have a limited amount of time for various people in my life, and only people with big hearts and positive intentions are allowed in. Same rules apply to both men and women.

A lot of new guys go down the asshole road to compensate for their inadequacies. Just be a pleasant confident person, be sexual, be polite, treat everyone you meet with respect. People will pay you back big time.

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