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After a few years of being in the Community, I have came to realize that my mindset has changed more than I thought it would in a lifetime. My limiting beliefs are still there, but their walls are as thin as paper, and falling as quickly as a pebble. Something that has came to my attention, is the difference in my “approach.” I went from trying to memorize all of the canned openers that I could to believing that I could just walk up to a girl in the middle of the day, and with enough confidence, tell her I wanted to fuck and that we would fuck.
I do not want to push people to or from a personal style of PU. I am not here to sell you anything. If I had anything to sell, I probably wouldn't be posting meaningless posts as often as I do. I am here to rather help guide the newer members. The ones that, like myself, are trying to find where they want to go, and become who they think they want to become. I use the word “think” because it will probably change as they become better and better at this lovely game of PU. I had wished, during the first few years of trying this shit out, that someone had at least showed me the importance of “congruency.” That is a word that I read over and over again, but never really understood what it meant until one night when EVERYTHING clicked for me.
For the sake of argument, we will say that congruency in our context means what you say, how you say it, etc are all in tune with what you are honestly after and what is truly in your mind. I learned every opener, but yet still crash and burned 99% of the sets that I opened. I thought that maybe it was something wrong with the “system” that I had been studying, so I switch again and again. Somewhere down the road I realized that this whole PU system relies largely upon you being a confident, well trained male who is high social status. Regardless of your style, I believe that if you are not at least two of these three things, you will never get regular results. Even 12 apes sitting in a dark room, slamming on keyboards can type up “Romeo and Juliet” given enough time and paper.
So how do we become confident and high social status? Well, DAFS on that one. This is not supposed to be a tell-all post.
Once you have your confidence under control, you can finally start to find things that “fit” your personality. If you are an outgoing person like myself, then being Mehow and Mystery-esque works. For my roommate Svelte, he feels more intuned with the slow, seductive, Cosy-esque PU. We have found these to work because it comes naturally/ for us. We are always fine-tuning it, but we have the general outline. Finding this general outline will make the things that we study more pertinent to our selves and will actually help us grow faster and at a more remarkable rate. If we are merely trying to find the “winning system” then we will have no obtainable goal. If we look at who we are and see what works for us naturally then we can start to see where we can fix shortcomings in our own style.
In order to be congruent with what you say, you have to honestly believe it. If you are telling a girl that she just isn't quite up to your level, you have to believe that. Women can smell a lie like a fart in car. When you are incongruent, they somehow know these things. This lowers your value. This makes you seem as if you are trying to lie to them to gain their approval. This is try-hard and just bad on all accounts. When you are congruent, when what you say is honestly what you believe, you start to realize that the people around you start to look at you different. They start to see a MAN and not a little boy who is trying to gain respect. You, as a man, are given respect just for being a man in a sea of little boys. When you are congruent with who you are, your game doesn't become “I should do XY
Z” it becomes “What feels right?”
Now, before people get on to me about “what if the person has no skills with women whatsoever?!”
That is where the testing period comes into play. You see what fits you. See what works for you and your style. I am all about going out and trying a new opener, a new routine that I read online just to see how it fits into my style. I think that is the best way to learn “your style” - going out and trying new things.
Bullet Points
Confidence Will Get You Everywhere
Women Know WhenYou'reLying
Find Your Style and MasterIt.
Test Anything and Everything You Can