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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Chubby chaser opener”

Recent post by JohnnyC69, March 8, 2010

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Original discussion thread:

Johnny: Sup want me to get you some more ranch to go on that hot fudge sundae? That's an interesting flavor combination and I don't think I woulda thought of that, but I'm game if you are.


Kidding. Don't say that to a fat girl.

Here's a little opener I made up this weekend and tested on several sets. Opened like a CHARM every time.

Oh and just to be clear in case the post title caused any confusion, I'm talking about using this opener on hot, skinny to athletic bodied girls...not fatties.

Johnny: Hey guys, my friend and I are having a debate we were hoping you could settle for us.
Girls: Ok
Johnny: Ok, so how big do the girls that a guy likes have to be before he's considered a chubby chaser?
Girls: blah tall are we talking, etc.?

I mean the chicks I used this on really hooked quick. Every time I used it, they would giggle a little bit and ask a few questions to which I would elaborate on.

Johnny: Alright, so the reason I'm asking is because my buddy and I were in this restaurant earlier tonight and this woman came in with a couple of guys to eat dinner. They were sitting at a table that was right over my left shoulder. Well, I happened to look over my shoulder and on first glance I was thinking, "oh nevermind...fattie." But then I had to take a second look for some reason. Then I started checking her out and I realized that she was just tall. I mean she was VERY proportionate, you know? I'm normally into much smaller chicks, but damn...she was dead fucking sexy!

(true story, by the way)

Chicks: Blah're so funny...insert social hook point chick speak here

And there you have it. Pretty simple hey?

Oh yeah...I didn't try this on any sets that actually had fatties in them, but my gut tells me it probably wouldn't be a good idea. Anyone want to field test it that way for me though, I'd be happy to hear how it goes over.

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