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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Sex, Sexual, and Sensual BL / subconscious triggers”

Recent post by Dravius, April 4, 2010

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Original discussion thread:

Sexual, Sensual, and Sex Bodylanguage

Semantics and word definitions aside, I’m using 3 words to describe 3 concepts.

Sexual BL
Sexual is like the guy attempting to grind girls on the dance floor, or the way most average stripper dance.

Sensual BL:
This would be like smoothly running your hand down a girl’s arm, or the way the BEST stripper dance.

Sex BL
Sex BL is BL that emulates the way you actually have sex. Vividly and deeply imagine you’re having sex, and allow your movements to emulate it.

The first two most of us are familiar with. Sexual BL is occasionally useful, but miscalibrated quickly labels you as gay, douchebag, or lame. Sensual BL is more advances and very useful for arousing women. What about Sex BL?

Sex BL... think about the times you’ve had sex, during sex, typically both yours and her BL is typically not the same as Sexual BL (as described), but rather you’re ramming your penis in her pussy...and you only have so many inches before it slips out. (Unless there’s something I need to learn about sex) Sex BL isn’t as dynamic, interesting, direct, or noticeable as Sexual BL.

My theory was that Sex BL in tiny doses might trigger subconscious impulses, kinda like NLP / hypnotism. Over the past week I’ve been experimenting using Sex BL in tiny doses on the dance floor, and elsewhere. While just vibing with a girl on the dance floor (no partner stuff / grinding), I’d occasionally throw in 1-3 seconds of subtle Sex BL... and the girls’ reactions were very immediate and interesting.

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