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I often think about what it is that I have learned and what I want out of being part of the seduction community. I get a lot of guys that email me, I am on other forums as well, and they all ask me these questions.
I can only speak for myself so I tell them what I have learned and what I want. Everyone has different goals.
My goal has never been a numbers game. I don't care to sit and talk about HOW MANY women I have had sex with. I honestly don't know what that gets you, other than a pretty cheesy bragging right. So what is my goal? It is the same goal I have had in many other parts of my life. To become good at something I was bad at, and to become a more attractive man. Then I let the chips fall where they may. That may get me laid 5 times this week, or it may get me a total of 3 really beautiful women all year. Or even one. It may get me a relationship, even a girlfriend who I TRULY like being with for some period of time.
When I was younger, the numbers mattered more. Now I am older, and I just don't care about that. Have you thought of what you want? At first you get laid... you use some technique or seduction based knowledge and you say to yourself "yeah, I did it". Then a few more and you start to build some sort of persona for yourself. You start to associate with that, and now you are stuck living up to that persona... If your friends ask "how many times did you get laid this week" and that number is low, you feel bad. If you spend a lot of time with one woman you like and they say "hey player, who you been with this week?" you feel bad saying "just one girl". You are having to live up to the image you created.
Sometimes if I speak with some community guys and I say something like "you know, I have had a girlfriend for the past year, and I am pretty happy" they are shocked. Some are disappointed. Like.... "I thought Chopan was this awesome seducer, and look at him. He is with one woman. He is not who I thought". LOL...
I think everyone here is different. I don't think it is in everyone's path to fuck woman after woman after woman. Frankly I don't even find that appealing. Some guys will only fuck one girl next year. Some 3, some 5, some 100. It depends on who you are, and what makes you happy.
I am not suggesting everyone go latch onto one woman in a oneitis situation. But don't look at yourself and say "I need to do more".... "I need to fuck more"... "I am falling behind". I don't think this is a good path.
I spent years of my life improving myself in many ways. My body, my skills, my finances, my demeanor, my sense of humor, and my seduction ability. So yes, I know now what good BL is, what good EC is, when to qualify a girl, when to pull her in, when to push her away... this is just another skill that has helped me be a more attractive man.
There is no doubt in my mind that pitted against some of the best seduction gurus in the world, I would not only hold my own but probably be able to hold onto a quality woman much longer. What I offer is real. Not something propped up by stories and palm reads. A lot of what makes me appealing are the advantages I have everywhere else. That was my goal. Be more attractive. That's all. Yes, that also requires going out, running good game, practicing seduction technique. But I never have the goal of getting laid as my focus. It happens. A lot. If not, I really don't care nor do I blame myself.
I think in life, rather than setting a particular number or place for a goal and then trying ever so hard to reach for it, you are better off just being the best you can be. And you let the rest happen. The right places and the right numbers all come to you. If you are carrying this load on your shoulders, this image, this goal of what kind of PUA you need to be. I say to you put it down. Let it go. Relax. Take the pressure off. Just concentrate on yourself. That TRULY is all you need to ever do. You will notice when you do this, your game will also take a giant step forward.