[ Acronym/Slang Dictionary ] Refer to the acronym/slang dictionary for explanations of commonly-used acronyms,
slang, and terms.1) Make an
important realization. First, realize and accept the fact that if
you are new to all this then you are probably an
AFC (Average Frustrated Chump), a “nice guy”. A guy who has no pick-up
skills and rarely manages to close the deal with a chick. You’re used to referring to
getting laid as “getting lucky”. Also, you could be a guy who tends to
supplicate in his behavior to women, especially good-looking women. Meaning, buying
flowers for a woman when going out for coffee, putting her on a pedestal, and generally
letting her walk all over you in the vain hope of somehow being seen as attractive enough
in her eyes to want to sleep with you. 2) Realize you must change. If whatever you’ve been doing your whole life has been
failing you, STOP. Begin to understand that you must learn new skills, build a whole new
attitude, and change your current belief system. You must put yourself in recovery mode, becoming a RAFC (Recovering AFC). The process does not happen overnight, it
takes dedication, time, effort, and experimentation. It takes a devotion to wanting
to improve your life, in a way that you can look back on this day as the start of
achieving your ultimate goals. 3) Practice in moderation and build skills
gradually. Don’t try to learn everything at once. Don’t try to
absorb every bit of information and only then go out into the field expecting immediate
results. Instead, visit this site regularly, maybe even once a day, learn at least 1 new
thing, get at least 1 new understanding and put THAT to use. Practice that new skill
regularly. Then come back and learn another new skill. Put that into use. Over
time, you will begin to find things which work best for you, and be able to throw away
stuff that doesn’t affect your success as much. You may even come to your own
realizations and want to share your experience with others. How long does it take to
learn all this stuff adequately? The answer is, does it really make a difference?
You either want to fix your life or not. If it takes 6 months or 4 years,
every day after that will be a much better life than you’re used to experiencing now.
I won’t lie to you, there is no “quick fix” or “magic pill” but
there are things you can start doing now (and things you can stop doing) which will
provide you with more immediate improvement. Remember, you are basically re-programming
yourself to overcome a lifetime of bad habits and useless advice from clueless people. 4) Determine what you want. When you start going out in the field to pick up chicks,
you may be tempted to just go out without any kind of requirements as to what you are
looking for. Most guys will just say to themselves “If she looks hot and is
willing to have sex with me, that’s good enough!” Not really. You still
need to ask yourself whether you are looking for a one-time lay, a friend, a fuck buddy, a
short-term relationship, or a long-term one. You also need to figure out what kind
of qualities you want, what kind of personality traits you would enjoy, what kind you are
willing to tolerate, and what kind of things you absolutely won’t tolerate in a chick.
You also have to establish rules for yourself and stick by those rules. Once
you have established that kind of base, you will more easily be able to filter out the
kind of chicks that will be wasting your time, and focus on the ones you
really want and can learn to be successful with. 5) Here is what to do (in the following order):  | Bookmark this site. Now. |  |  | This site is for YOU. Keep it to
yourself. Don’t introduce it to anyone unless you know they are seeking to
improve the same things as you. Why? Because through years of witnessing guys
try to introduce this site to their AFC friends, the primary reactions of those friends
have been negative because, until somebody understands this site or what it’s about, their
ingrained societal beliefs simply overpower them. Only tell them when they’re ready
or let them find the site through their own searches on the Internet. |  | Read the answer to the sometimes-asked
question, “If ordinary guys get laid why do I need all
this information?” |  | Study and practice David Shade’s eye contact experiments. |  | Read and re-read the A.S.F. FAQ once a week for 2 months (while doing the stuff
below). If you need help following all the various acronyms and slang used on this site,
make use of the acronym/slang dictionary. |  | Make abundant use of Mystery’s 3s rule. |  | Go out and do Svengali’s newbie mission. |  | Figure out where you are in the levels of mastery… this will help you determine what areas to
focus on. |  | Seriously consider getting the e-book Without Embarrassment. Internal confidence is the basis of every successful endeavor, and
understanding the alpha male» mindset and how to achieve it with women is what this e-book
is all about. The author, Mike Pilinski, also has an article
section hosted on Fast Seduction 101. |  | Start lurking on the moderated A.S.F. (alt.seduction.fast) USENet newsgroups (also
referred to as “mASF” or “mASF Forum”) but DON’T post anything yet. Just get in the habit of
reading the daily posts in that group. Old posts from original (public) ASF newsgroup can
be found in the A.S.F. searchable archive. That archive
also includes all posts from mASF. Although the original (public) ASF newsgroup is
still available, I don’t recommend lurking or posting on that group as the
“signal:noise” ratio has degraded terribly. The “signal” on
mASF, however, is extremely high and almost
entirely on-topic. We’ve also created a helpful “How
to use the mASF Forum” interactive video, to help you understand how
to use most of the common features of the forum. |  | Buy (and READ!) David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating eBook. David’s
business practices are very professional and helpful, he knows how to treat
customers. |  | Read the Player Guide (not all at once, but gradually over the course of a couple weeks, from top to bottom). If
you have questions or comments over the specific topics covered in the Player Guide, sign up and post to the Player Guide Discussion Board. Please note that the
Player Board login is separate from the login for the moderated newsgroups. |  | If you would like a
high-quality DVD video tutorial of the fundamentals of pickup and
getting better with women, we’ve produced a DVD video series called
The Art of the Pickup. |  | Go out in the field and and experiment,
practice, get some phone numbers, e-mails, meet a whole bunch of women. If you feel the
need to have a wingman along, you can join P.A.I.R. and find one
that way. Please note that the P.A.I.R. login is separate from the logins for the
discussion forums on this site. You may also want to find a local
Lair, most known Lairs are listed on our International Lair List page. |  | Once you start getting some field
experience, start posting your reports (both positive and negative) on mASF. Engage in discussion with others on the
subject. If you have questions starting to come up over the various experiences you’re
having, or things that you don’t quite understand, post the question to mASF. For real-time chat, there is a
Java/IRC chat option available. |  | Study up on Mystery’s basic methods found on the mirror of his old web
site. Specifically, focus on the way he handles various openers, neg hits, and group-set
tactics. |  | Begin learning to understand
MrSex4uNYC’s attitude. You can do a search on his old posts or find and read through a
full archive of his posts in the A.S.F. searchable archive. |  | Read about The Gunwitch Method (GWM). |  | Read through the Maniac High’s pickupguide.com. Pay close attention to posts
revolving around Maniac and his seduction structures. |  | To keep your mind fresh and find out
about new tactics in use by some of the best guys out there, be sure to read and keep up
with Clifford’s seduction newsletter (also referred to as
“Cliff’s List”). |  | Improve your karma. Help keep this site
available and free by donating what you can to
help.  |  | Re-read the Player
Guide, focusing on aspects you may not have understood fully before. Review your copies of
The Art of the Pickup. |  | Once you have some good lays to report
about, write up a succinct report and post it to mASF. If you’ve got some great new field-tested technique
you’d like to share or would like feedback on it, make a post about it on mASF or Cliff’s List. |  | By now, you should have so much
experience in the field that you begin to define your own pickup and seduction structure.
Consider evaluating all your knowledge at this point and coming up with a general
structure which best meets your strengths, style, and lifestyle. |  | If you need help TALKING to
chicks or talking chicks into thinking certain ways, consider getting Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction materials. |  | Go buy a few good books on NLP, seduction, dealing with women, specifically ones which are most likely to help you
fill the clear gaps in your knowledge. READ them. |  | Find a guy near you who is great with
women and *model* after him. Find out how he goes about things, his attitudes, the way he
talks to people and, specifically, how he talks to and deals with women. Then find another
similar expert and model after him. And another. And another. |  | Once you are having wild success with
women, you will need information on how to properly sex them. You can find that info in David Shade’s column on this web site. |  | If you think you still need more
knowledge, keep reading through this site, look at the product reviews section, books, etc., and you will occasionally find nuggets of gold. You can also take a
look at other sites to fill your knowledge gap. Of course,
nothing beats just making sure you are constantly out in the field doing pick-ups and
seducing as many women as possible. There is no teacher like experience. |
6) The final step. Now that you’ve mastered all the above, and have this
massive amount of pick-up, seduction skill, and field experience under your belt, you can
throw everything you learned away and let yourself go on “auto-pilot”. That’s
right, free your mind and forget EVERYTHING. Realize that it’s all been “wax on, wax
off” in preparation for the ultimate in mastery: absolute yet unconscious competence,
the ability to get what you want without effort. The ability to do something effortlessly
which you’ve always looked at in the past as being hard work or possibly even an
impossibility for you. What you will find is that you will just know what to do,
how to lead. You will just *have* the confidence to get through a PU with the result you
visualized that you WANTED. To understand what I mean, read a post of mine on Cliff’s List
about meeting an absolute master at bedding large
numbers of women. |