If you find David DeAngelo’s writing useful in your life, buy a copy of his eBook,Double Your Dating. There is a Review of David’s eBook available on this web site, and you will also get access to David’s full product offerings when subscribing to his mailing list.
DISCLAIMERS: The content of this archive is reproduced here with permission from David DeAngelo. Visual enhancements and search features have been added by the fastsediction.com webmaster to facilitate the reading and researching of the content. The raw text as it appears here is exactly as it appeared in the original context (e-mail newsletter or published material). Products, services, or external web sites mentioned or linked to in this archive does not denote endorsement of those items. The contents reprinted here are the opinion of the original writer(s) and are not necessarily the opinion of, nor endorsed by, the owner(s) or operator(s) of fastseduction.com. The archive enhancements are generated automatically and there may be occasions where the visual cues don’t correlate exactly with the textual context; most of the time, though, the enhancements are pretty accurate. The archive is updated as regularly as possible, whenever new content is available.
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The Top Pickup Artist Forum On The Internet: Fast Seduction 101
Welcome toFast Seduction 101
FastSeduction.com is the largest and most visited pickup and seduction web site on the Internet. It is a free resource that teaches you everything you need to know to massively improve your success with women. FastSeduction.com has been improving the lives of men all around the world since 1999.
A thorough, helpful FAQ about the alt.seduction.fast (ASF) newsgroup and the private alt.seduction.fast.* moderated newsgroups (mASF forum). Read More…
A free public, threaded pickup discussion forum synchronized in real-time with private USENet newsgroups (allowing access by NNTP newsreaders). Additional features include mailing list support & real-time search of all articles. Over 45,000 registered users and over 75,000 monthly readers. Guest access for lurkers, posters must login.
A free public web board, tied into and focuses on specific Player Guide discussion topics (see Player Guide). Guest access for lurkers, posters must login.
Over 600,000 PUA articles available & growing daily. A free search gateway to the moderated ASF groups (mASF) on this site and old posts from the public USENet newsgroup alt.seduction.fast (ASF) – a fast seduction strategy resource with pickup techniques & fast seduction strategies.
Locate & meet up with wingmen in your area. Requires a valid e-mail address to join (solely for registration verification, abuse tracking, & relaying mail between wingmen). Nearly 40,000 guys worldwide already registered, authenticated, & active.
An organized list of books & movies that have been positively recommended at one time or another in the ASF or mASF groups or submitted to us by email.
Maniac High’s Pick Up Girls and Seduction Guide. A no-frills compilation of pickup & seduction knowledge. Thorough examples of full seductions, from approaches to closes.
The Top Pickup Artist Forum On The Internet: Fast Seduction 101
Welcome toFast Seduction 101
FastSeduction.com is the largest and most visited pickup and seduction web site on the Internet. It is a free resource that teaches you everything you need to know to massively improve your success with women. FastSeduction.com has been improving the lives of men all around the world since 1999.
A thorough, helpful FAQ about the alt.seduction.fast (ASF) newsgroup and the private alt.seduction.fast.* moderated newsgroups (mASF forum). Read More…
A free public, threaded pickup discussion forum synchronized in real-time with private USENet newsgroups (allowing access by NNTP newsreaders). Additional features include mailing list support & real-time search of all articles. Over 45,000 registered users and over 75,000 monthly readers. Guest access for lurkers, posters must login.
A free public web board, tied into and focuses on specific Player Guide discussion topics (see Player Guide). Guest access for lurkers, posters must login.
Over 600,000 PUA articles available & growing daily. A free search gateway to the moderated ASF groups (mASF) on this site and old posts from the public USENet newsgroup alt.seduction.fast (ASF) – a fast seduction strategy resource with pickup techniques & fast seduction strategies.
Locate & meet up with wingmen in your area. Requires a valid e-mail address to join (solely for registration verification, abuse tracking, & relaying mail between wingmen). Nearly 40,000 guys worldwide already registered, authenticated, & active.
An organized list of books & movies that have been positively recommended at one time or another in the ASF or mASF groups or submitted to us by email.
Maniac High’s Pick Up Girls and Seduction Guide. A no-frills compilation of pickup & seduction knowledge. Thorough examples of full seductions, from approaches to closes.